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Pov nate

We waited next to sarah

Are you okay Sarah ? Jack asked

What the fuck do u think jack I said

Sarah laughed a little. Making her cough.

It's gonna be okay. I told her

The doctor came In.

So first of all what is your relation to sarah.

We are watching her for a friend. I said

Okay he said

Well sarah has multiple lung problems. Asthma pneumonia bronchitis sinusitis flu ..and also mono.

Is she gonna be okay ? I asked

Yes take these medicines and she will nor be contagious and it should go away in about a month get lots of rest.

The doctor left.

We're gonna get the car. Jack and andrew said and left.

You can put me In a shelter. Sarah said.

NO SARAH. I said.

Why do you wanna help me ? She said.

I care about you I told her.

She smiled thank you.

She gave me a bug hug I hugged her back

Pov sarah

I gave nate a hug

He makes me feel safe. It felt good to hug him he hugged me back. Tight.

He took my hand helped me up and we walked to the car.

We're going back to nates apartment tonight. The tour is over for now.

Jack was driving. nate sat in the back seat with me. Andrew was on a plane back to home.

Nate let me rest my head on his shoulder.

I moved my head away from him towards the window. I started coughing terribly.

We were on a bridge with tons of traffic.

HEY SHUT THE FUCK UP some one yelled from a car

Shut up you fucking idiot nate and jack said.

Nate grabbed me. Well be there in 20 minutes he told me.

It's okay if you cough just try to sleep

I leaned on nate. Suddenly I started shaking. Everything felt so cold.

Jack turned up the heat and nate put his jacket on me.

I felt terrible. I'm accepting help this time.

Nate..I really don't feel good. I mumbled into his chest.
What hurts sweetie.

My head my chest my breathing my whole body.

Sleep he said.

I tried yet again I leaned my head on him he wrapped his arms around me and wrapped his jacket around me. And i fell into a deep sleep. It felt safe. I knew he wouldn't hurt me.

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