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It was now last period I was in studying hall with Connor he was helping me with my homework.

Soon the bell rang and school was over.
Can I walk you home ? He asked
Yeah but I live some where else now.
I actually live on Broadway
Who can you live with who can afford that.
Wait you won't belive me.
We left the building holding hands walking through the busy streets of NYC
"I wanna get you a welcome back present " he told me stoping at a kiosk
He got me a teddy bear with a I <3 NYC on it.
I took out my purse and while he want looking bought him one too
I handed it to him.
Thank you we Both laughed to eachother
We got to the apartment I pulled out my key.
Nate and Emily sat on the couch
Hi I said
Hey Sarah your back how was it..... Nate said turning Around than seeing Connor facial expression changing
Em light up.
Nate ruess is taking care of you Sarah ? Connor questioned

Yes I am. He said. Standing up walking toward Connor
How ? Connor asked
First of al who are you. Nate asked standing closely odd to Connor.
"Nate Connor and Sarah are kind of. " emily started
Dating. Connor said.
Emily wanna sit out here with Connor while I talk to Sarah " nate said
Connor sat down
Nate pulled me into my room.
"Your dating him how ?"
"We were best friends for 3 years we've liked each other for. So long I told him about me being depressed. He told my parents, the y. Didn't react well, as you know and I lied I told him. I never I told him the truth. nate He's a good guy. He was there for me he knew I was anorexic he was there for me every day getting me to eat making sure I was okay, he loves me. I love him so much He makes me happy nate "
"Wow "
Is it okay
Yes I just wanna talk to him.

Pov nate
I walked out to where emily and Connor were they were talking. I told Em to go with sarah and i talked to Connor.
I sat down he looked nervous
So Connor I'm gonna be straight forward with you sarah is not my daughter she is not blood I've only known her for 6 months. But I care a whole lot about her and if you even try to hurt her in any way. The whole band will come after you. I said.

Mr.ruess. I care soo much about sarah. I love her. I've been best friends with her for 3 years. I was there for her when she was depressed I was there for her when she was starving. I helped her. I would never try to hurt her. I care so much about her. You can trust me
I listened he sounded genuine.
Okay. I said.
Be good Connor I said shaking his hand
Emily and sarah came out and sat down.

Could me and Connor hang out ? Maybe sarah asked
I thought to myself
She looks so happy with him.

This may be the happiest I've ever seen her.
Okay. I said.
Her and Connor said thank you.
She jumped up and hugged me

I hugged her back
Nate you can go out with me and the guys than emily said
I looked at sarah
Go you need to have fun too. She said
Okay I said questioned

I talked with Emily in the other room.

Are you sure we can leave them alone. I asked

I trust them don't you


Isn't Sarah still on the um birth control the shelter had her on. Emily asked

Yeah. Ew. But just ew. That's not gonna happen.

She's 15 nate. When did you lose it

15... I sighed


You can't stop it from happening at least she's safe. Emily said

I know I'll trust her. I want her to have fun tonight. Atleast. I said


We walked out to them

They were sitting on the couch talking and laughing

Your eyes look more green Sarah laughed looking at him

They didn't see us. I told em to be quiet so I could see what their like

Maybe the did Connor laughed

Are you okay though Sarah. With everything have you been clean. He asked her

Kinda she said

I cut last week. And Every time I eat. I freak out she said

Please. Please. Don't hurt yourself your so much more worth it Sarah you can't understand. When you told me you were like this. I cried Sarah. I never cry. The night you told me you cut. I got 0 sleep. I had panic attacks thinking you wouldn't be okay when I woke up. That I would get a call saying you were in the hopspitsl. Or even worse that you killed your self. I really love you. I will do anything to help you.

When he said that to her I knew he was right for her.

I'm sorry. She said crying and hugged him.

Me and em looked at eachother and nodded

This is so sweet she whispered

We walked out.

Okay we're gonna go pick up andrew at the airport and we'll be back around probably 11 I told them

Are we allowed to leave the house Sarah asked

Yes just not to far I said

I gave her a hug. Thank you nate I love you.

Love you too Sarah.

Emily hugged her squeeling- we left

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