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Pov nate

Sarah was lying in bed.

I sat on the couch looking through my phone

Nate I heard her call

I ran into her room

I looked in the bathroom she was throwing up.

She fell onto the floor

"I don't feel good." She said.

The look on her face was the look she had the night I met her. When she was so weak from anorxia.

I Have you eaten anything tell me the truth"I asked

I've been feeding her but she's sneaky very.

She shook her head no

She was so weak collapsed on the floor

I helped her up and had her lay down.

"It's not all cuz of me. My stomach hurts " she mumbled.

I went out to the living room and took the sandwich I made for my self and gave it to her

She ate a small bite.


She ran towards the trash bin and threw up.

"I can't do this "she said.

"Go back to sleep" I said I was so scared at this point

She layed down.

I took her temperature 104.9

"Can you stay nate. Everything hurts. So much. It hurts to breathe" she cried

I layed down next to her.

Nate thank you I probably would be dead right now if it wasn't for you. She said making me upset's okay sleep. I said

104.9 shit that's really high I thought.

The doctor said over 105 I have to bring her to the hospital.


3 weeks later

Sarah was almost better with the viruses.

But depression not good.

I sat on The couch with her.

Wanna go out get something to eat ? I asked her

You can I'll stay here. She said


Okay. She said

We walked out the door.

I'm sorry I've been so depressing nate. She said

Stop it's fine I just want you to get better I said.

we walked into the clan bar

And sat down.

Once sarah got food into her.

She got a little more happy.

We were talking and laughing.

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