This Year

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Butch's p.o.v:
Ms. Keane dragged the girls into her office. I watched as they silently followed. And I smirked.

I hoped to make their lives somewhat of a living hell while we were here. But we all know Brick is gonna be on my ass. Making it hard.
"I bet you they're talkin' about us. That's why they were dragged into the office."
Boomer just shrugged.
"Let um." He leaned his head against the locker with a smirk. "I bet they were surprised to see us. And surprised at how much we have glowed up."
Brick kicked one of Boomers legs out from under him.
"Glowed up? What the hell are you, a vsco girl?! that you?"
Boomer fell forward and I grabbed him by the back of his shirt. He made a gagging noise and stood, glaring at Brick.
"No! It's me you ass!" He pouted, looking down at his shirt and adjusting it. "And I'm not a vsco girl," he concluded.
I couldn't help laughing. When I stopped, both brothers were glaring at me.
Sorry not fn sorry. It was funny.

"I bet that ugly hag is going off. She's gotta be pissed." My face hurt. My lips would get stuck like this if I kept smirking. She's probably in a rage.
Brick asked, "That makes you happy?" I tipped my head and raised an eyebrow.
"Yea...and what about it?"
He glared at me. "We are supposed to make them like us. We aren't supposed to act suspicious." I rolled my eyes and slumped against my locker.
"Us being nice? That is suspicious." Brick shook his head.
"Ms. Keane is probably in there telling the girls everything we said to them at orientation."
I decided to stand up. Frustrated that he was being so dumb. Boomer was supposed to be the dumb one.
"Aren't you the one who said the girls were smart. Smarter than our stupid story I'd imagine!"
He ignored my comment. "But it ain't a story is it?"
Oh whatever.

A few moments later the office door opened and the girls walked out.
I stared at the ugly hag. She was tugging on her crop. Avoiding eye contact. I looked her up and down. She was no where near as beautiful as Blossom.

Oh, what a year this was going to be.

Hey y'all.
This is my first book and it's kinda nerve racking so I'm slowing down my updates. I keep debating if I should keep going or not.
My love of writing is my drive right now so I do plan on finishing, even if it isn't successful. The fact that I did it and it's out there is enough for me. I know today's chapter was short but, I had a lot to do.
New job!!!
Wish me luck! I hope you enjoyed

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