Chapter 3

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Rose was going to meeting at Debbie and Lou's house. She was a little stressed, but also curious about who these four women are who will also be there. She was glad that she will finally know the whole action plan. When she arrived, she noticed an unknown woman standing outside Debbie and Lou's house. She decided to say hello to her.

- Hello! - Rose greeted shyly.
- Hello! - the woman smiled friendly at her.
- Are you also waiting for a meeting with Debbie and Lou?
- Yes - she answered, then she added: - But we're a little early. Meeting with them will be in 30 minutes.
- Oh, really? As usual, I had to confuse meeting hours... - Rose became nervous.
- Don't worry! I also often confuse meeting hours! - the woman laughed friendly - I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Amita.
- Rose! - Rose introduced herself - Rose Weil!
- Nice to meet you! Wait, aren't you that fashion designer?
- Yeah...That's me... - Rose answered embarrassed - But I'm not proud of my projects.
- Come on, they are not that bad at all! - Amita comforted her.
- Thanks - Rose smiled.
- Maybe we will go to a nearby cafe? - Amita suggested - We still have a lot of time.
- Why not? - Rose agreed.

In the cafe, women talked on many different topics. They talked for so long that they lost track of time.

- Oh shit! - Rose suddenly screamed so loudly that some people in the cafe looked strangely at them - We have a meeting in 5 minutes! We will be late!
- Relax, we'll be on time! - Amita calmed her down with a slight smile on her face. Rose's reaction made her laugh a little - You don't need to worry, Debbie and Lou's house are a bit away from the cafe.
- Oh, yeah...I'm sorry! I often react like that! - Rose began to explain herself ashamed.
- It's okay! Never mind! - Amita smiled.

Rose had a nice conversation with the newly met woman. She felt that they could become friends. They had a lot in common. When they arrived at the Debbie and Lou's house, there were three other woman there: Tammy, Constance and Nine Ball. They introduced themselves and all of them went inside.
When each of the women sat down in  the seat, Lou began to discuss the whole action plan.

- As you well know, the Met Gala will take place soon - Lou began to speak.
- Daphne Kluger, which Rose will dress, will appear at the Met Gala - Debbie added.
- Exactly! And most importantly, we will try to borrow this necklace for her.

Lou showed everyone a picture of the necklace.

- Is that Toussaint? - Amita asked.
- That's right! - Debbie smiled at her.
- As most of you know, Toussaint is hidden in Cartier's vault and valued at 150 million dollars.
- And how do you want to get it? - Tammy asked surprised - I doubt they'll give it to you.
- We have our ways, dear Tammy! - Lou said with mischievous smile.
- All right... - Tammy said indifferently. 
- To get it, two of you will have to go to Cartier and convince employees to borrow Toussaint for Kluger for the Met Gala.

Lou thought for a moment, then said:
- I think Rose and Amita should go to Cartier.
- Wait, what! Why me? - Rose shouted.
- You are Kluger's designer. So you should go there.
- But I don't want!
- It won't be that difficult! - Lou said - Amita will accompany you. She works in a jeweler and knows a lot about jewelry, so that's why she'll come with you.
- All right... - Rose answered in a resigned voice.

She knew that she wouldn't convince Lou and she would have to go to Cartier.
After discussing a few other important matters, the meeting ended an hour later. After the meeting, Amita came over to Rose.

- How do you feel after the meeting? - she asked her.
- I'm glad that we finally got to know all the details of the plan. I'm just nervous about going to Cartier... - Rose said.
- Don't worry! - Amita comforted her - The most important thing is that we'll go there together.
- It's right - Rose smiled. A moment later she added: - You know what, I'm very pleased to talk to you.
- I'm very pleased too! - Amita smiled at her.
- Could you give me your phone number? - Rose asked shyly - We could always go out together in our spare time.
- Sure! - Amita said.

Women gave each other phone numbers. Amita walked Rose to home then they said goodbye.

* * *

Rose was happy that she was home. She was exhausted all day. In addition, she was very stressed, because in a few days she was supposed to go to Cartier. Rose didn't want to think about it anymore, she was too tired. She took a quick shower then she went to bed. She was about to go to sleep when she suddenly heard that someone calling her.

*Fuck! Who is calling me at this time?* ~ she thought annoyed.

She took the phone from the nightstand and looked at the screen. Daphne Kluger was calling her! She answered the phone with shaking hands.

- Yes? - Rose said softly.
- Hi Rose! - Daphne answered with a pleasant voice - How are you?
- I'm fine, thanks - Rose said shyly - I was just going to sleep.
- Oh! I'm sorry! I'm probably disturbing you...
No, it's ok - Rose assured her. She was very happy that Daphne called her.
- Oh, okay! - Daphne said. She fell silent for a moment, then she added: - I'm calling because I wanted to ask you something...

Rose seemed to hear a slight nervousness in her voice.

- What's the matter? - she asked.
- Would you like to visit me at my  house tomorrow? If you have time of course - Daphne said quickly.
- Of course yes! - Rose was happy.

A moment later the women said goodbye to each other. Rose couldn't believe it. The woman she likes invited her to her home! She couldn't sit still with happiness. Suddenly she realized something. Daphne certainly invites her to talk about the Met Gala. Sadness returned to Rose's face. She didn't want to think about all the unpleasant things anymore and she went to bed. Tired after a long day, she finally fell asleep.

[ENG]Rophne - Love Story (Rose Weil x Daphne Kluger)💍 (16+) Where stories live. Discover now