Dedicated to KeepCalmNarrysReal because she's amazing and has been a great help with this book and also because I love all her books. Please read them if you haven't yet. You are a sweetheart Kelly❤❤**
The next day, Niall's first class was Chemistry and he was stood next to Sarah in the lab.
He was anxious to see Harry and as a result, he spaced out, which of course caught Sarah's attention.
"Niall we are supposed to be figuring out how long planet mercury takes to orbit the sun and you are spacing out." Sarah and said and Niall smirked.
"You are spacing out too. We are in Chemistry not Geography and we are supposed to be figuring out if mercuric chloride is soluble in water." Niall pointed out and Sarah sighed. Then she adjusted her glasses and looked at Niall.
"How long though?" She asked and Niall shot her a confused glance.
"Mercury, as in the planet. How long does it take to orbit around the sun?" She clarified.
"Uhmmm. Not sure if it's 87 or 88 days." Niall shrugged and looked infront of him as the teacher began giving them instructions.
They started working on their lab work in silence and after a while, Sarah broke it.
"Why were you spacing out anyway?" She asked and briefly glanced at him.
"Just got a lot on my mind s'all. Plus I need to talk to you about something concerning Andrew." Niall said.
"What oh my god. I told Andrew to stay away from me now this happens. Please don't be mad at me Niall, he's the one after me not the other way round." She said frantically and looked at Niall nervously.
"Wait a minute Sarah, what are you on about?" Niall asked her as he was clearly confused.
"It's Andrew, he's your boyfriend, right? And you are gonna talk to me about how he is always with me, right?" She explained and when Niall heard it all, he chuckled.
"My god S, you've got it all wrong. He's not my boyfriend, he's straight. He just likes messing with me." Niall said and Sarah did a double take.
So Niall explained how Andrew just flirts with him -because according to him Niall is confused about his sexuality since he doesn't label himself- and that it means nothing even though some people at school are convinced that they are truly a couple.
"Really? So he's really single?" She blushed lightly and Niall smirked knowing that she felt the same way for him.
"Yeah is and what I meant to talk to you about is how he really means everything he says to you. He really likes you." Niall told her how he owed Andrew and how he was supposed to talk to Sarah as pay back. They had a good laugh about it and at the end, Sarah agreed to go on one date but she didn't promise that anything will come out if it because even if she liked Andrew a bit, she was still not sure about him.
"Thanks, That's more than enough." Niall replied and they continued doing their work.
When Maths came about Niall made sure to rush to class leaving Louis and Zayn confused but they didn't question him.
When he got to class, he found that no other student had gotten there yet except for Harry who was cleaning the board.
"Niall, how are you?" Harry asked but Niall didn't reply. Instead he looked at Harry's desk and when he spotted his phone he took it and handed to Harry to unlock.

Built For One(Narry)✔
Fanfiction"Seriously Niall, you need to stop. What if the notes land into the wrong hands?" Harry asked in frustration. "What are you talking about?" Niall looked at him confused. "Don't play dumb, you know very well what I'm talking about." Harry said. "I h...