[02] The Kpop Bandit

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It was in the elevator that I realized my mistake. I was woefully underdressed. I bounced on the balls of my feet to keep myself warm and to tried to rid myself of my goose flesh by rubbing my biceps and forearms violently.

It's ok. Just be quick.

The elevator had other plans, taking its sweet time descending from the twentieth floor, allowing me more than enough to mentally kick myself for not grabbing a sweater. I tied to tune out the grinding gears as the elevator jerked me down towards my destination.

After what felt like millennia, the elevator landed on the ground floor. The doors opened and shut a few times before parting wide enough for me to pass through. I made a mental note not to use that elevator again, the other three appeared to be in perfect working order.

So it wasn't a 5-star hotel, but it was respectable—maybe even a bit rich for my taste. Modern and stately, not to mention conveniently located a short walk from the stadium. It's my special weekend, I told myself after balking at the price. Go big or stay home, right?

I jogged to alcove that housed the snacks, smiling to the smartly dressed redhead behind the front desk as I ran passed. I nearly bumped into the back of a man as I turned the corner, but I caught myself in time. He was blocking my access to the snacks so I had no choice but to glare at the back of his head while I waited for him to move out of the way.

Now that's a man who doesn't want to be seen, I thought to myself. Long black coat, black baseball cap, black skinny jeans... maybe he's a bank robber.

A strangely fashionable bank robber, I had to admit, when I noticed his multiple ear piercings. A medium sized silver hoop prominently peaked through his ebony hair with dangling silver chains attached. He turned slightly and I caught a glimpse of his profile. My eyes widened in surprise when I saw that he was wearing a black face mask over his milky complexion.

That's some Kpop shit right there.

A shiver ran through my body, reminding me that I was in a rush. I crossed my arms and exhaled in annoyance as I waited for the Kpop bandit to move out of the way.

Before my impatience could escalate further, he whirled around, brushing by quickly without so much as an "excuse me". I let the indiscretion slide because I was finally able to take stock of my dinner options. To my chagrin, there were dismally few.

Most of the items available were an appetizing selection of toiletries; deodorant, razors, toothbrushes and condoms. I scrunched my nose at the lack of edible choices.

M&Ms and a bag of plain potato chips it is.

I grabbed the goodies and briskly walked up to the front desk to pay, though I was delayed again by the Kpop bandit completing his transaction. The ginger behind the desk was looking at the floor, avoiding eye contact with her customer. When the payment went through she squeaked a quiet thanks and bowed her head. The man in black returned the small bow and sauntered off silently.

Desperate to return to my room tout-suite I threw down the ten dollar bill that I shameless retrieved from my bra and ran towards the elevators.

"Thanks, no change!" I yelled over my shoulder. The lady just nodded, stunned, and watched me dash away.

My favourite hotel patron was standing in one of the elevators as I approached. He was facing me head on, but did not make a move to press the hold open button. Rude bandit.

The elevator began to slowly close. Determined, I sprinted forward and shoved my arm between the doors. The sensors worked, thank god, so I didn't lose an appendage.

Safely inside the elevator, I glared at the man briefly. I saw his eyes widen under the shadow of his cap before I turned with a huff and pressed the button for my floor. I smugly noted that the button for the fifteenth floor was illuminated, five floors beneath me. Where he belonged, I decided.

As soon as the doors closed I groaned. The unpleasant grinding noise was back. In my rush I had gotten on the sketchy elevator that I had planned to avoid.

It lurched upwards, catching us both off guard. I grabbed the handrail to steady myself, preparing for a jarring ascent.

Suddenly, the grinding stopped. The jerking stopped as well. In fact, the whole cursed elevator had stopped moving altogether. The lights flickered off eerily and switched to dim emergency bulbs.


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