[07] Fuck a Duck

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I was back to controlling my breathing again. My shoulders burned under the weight of Yoongi's arm. His hand was placed loosely on my bicep, which was still covered by his jacket. The fabric provided me no protection from the fire of his touch. But it was the slow gentle strokes of his thumb up and down my arm that really threatened my safety.

I desperately wanted to rest my head on his shoulder. It had to have been late by now and I was getting drowsy. His steady caresses didn't help. I resisted, not wanting to push him. He was already providing me with skinship beyond my wildest dreams.

"Time?" I croaked, looking for a distraction before I lost control and nuzzled my way deeply into his unsuspecting body and frightened my beautiful radiator away for the rest of the night.

He picked up his phone and showed me his lock screen. The wallpaper of his phone was of a fluffy dog. I wracked my brain for the name of Yoongi's dog but came up empty handed. I was never good at remembering band member personal life trivia. It was for the best though, knowing too many personal details would probably creep him out. I returned to my mission, the time. 12:45am. It had been just over an hour. I felt a new twinge of frustration bubble up within me.

"Fuck me! We are never getting out of here." I ranted, leaning my head back against his arm. "It had to be the middle of the night. No one is going to notice us missing until morning. What's the point of an emergency phone if it isn't manned 24/7 anyway?!" And oh boy, I was not done. The dam had burst - I was about to reach peak panic attack. "What if I need to pee! What the fuck am I going to do?!"

I was too upset to be embarrassed by my lack of filter. I didn't know how much he understood anyway. He remained still, watching me succumb to the overwhelming situation we found ourselves in, my chest heaving in full blown panic.

Yoongi tightened his arm around me and leaned towards my ear. He spoke low, slow and soothingly. In Korean. I had no idea what he was saying, but it did the trick. I started to calm, but not before a stray tear escaped my screwed shut eyes and slid down my cheek. I felt a gentle thumb wipe the tear away and then remain touching my face a fraction longer than I would have expected. I was reduced to heaving breaths as I struggled for control.

When I finally opened my eyes, I found Yoongi's wide and watching my chest rise and fall. I swear my whole body flushed under his gaze. He looked up at my eyes suddenly, catching me catching him. His jaw went slack and he did something I did not expect - he blushed.

Something deep in my chest exploded. I quickly adverted my eyes, to avoid further embarrassment. Whose embarrassment, I wasn't sure anymore. I just stared at our warped reflection in the polished aluminum doors in front of us.

In the reflection I could make out his still arm around me and his face still turned towards me. This isn't helping.


I whipped my head around as I recognized the word he used, which sounded almost like a plea. I locked eyes with him.

"N-noona?" He repeated, seeking confirmation. I was few months than older the band's eldest member, Kim Seokjin. I was, in fact, his noona. His noona. Technically.

I nodded slowly, not breaking eye contact. He smiled, the first time since the elevator had that terrifying tussle with gravity. I smiled back. He breathed a sigh of relief and leaned forward, pressing his forehead against mine.

Fuck a duck. What the hell is happening?!

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