₁. cheerleaders and football players

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"Come on, Quinn, we have to get to practice early. Sofia is giving us our numbers for homecoming," my friend, Mia, says as she drags me down the hallway.

I sigh. "You know, I don't really care. Not like it matters who I get I'm probably not gonna get them anything. It's literally so dumb how the cheerleaders have to worship the football players like they even care about us, and we don't even get anything back."

"That's what you signed up for when you decided to be on a sport who's only purpose is to support another," Mia shuts me up.

"I know, it's just that they don't care about us. It's stupid. The only cheerleaders they want to talk to are the ones who are gonna hook up with them."

"We both know that's not true," she tells me.

"Then explain why I haven't had a conversation with any of the players about anything other than them asking me to hook them up with one of my teammates."

"I dunno, because you don't care about them."

That actually makes sense. "Exactly. Which is why I don't want to have to wear a random guy's sweaty jersey to every class for a day and why I think this tradition is stupid."

"Too bad," she says, yanking me into the gym.

I throw down my bag and sit down with the rest of the team. Everybody else is already here, which is normally how it is when I show up for practice.

"Look who decided to show up," says our captain, Sofia. Aka Miss. Rich and Pretty and dating the running-back, Ryan.

"Wouldn't wanna miss it," I tell her, giving her an exaggerated grin, making the rest of the team laugh. She rolls her eyes.

"Okay, so I know you're all dying to see the list for the jerseys on Friday," she starts, "Before i start, remember you can switch, but it's probably best if you don't because I know some of the players requested to have certain girls. I'll just read it out loud, I have Ryan. Jessica you have Aidan. Lexie you have Bryce. Hanna you have Chris..."

I zone out while she reads the list, mentally congratulating myself when I hear the name each asshole I don't like before mine is called.

"And last, Quinn you have Finn."

I turn to Mia. "Wolfhard?" i whisper-ask her.

"Yeah. He's the only Finn on the team."

"Okay," I respond, defensively.

Finn Wolfhard. Interesting choice. I'm relieved I have him over some fuckboy, but if i'm being honest I barely know him. We were best friends in preschool, but we went to different elementary and middle schools, so I haven't really spoken to him since we were six years old. He's been in my Spanish class for the past 3 years, ever since high school started, but we've only spoken a few words to each other.  He's good at football, and I'm pretty sure he plays the bass, but really there's not much else he's known for. He's funny, and obviously attractive, but I just don't know much about him anymore. Who knows, maybe he is a fuckboy.

"So," Sofia continues, "the football coaches will wash the jerseys and give them to us on Thursday. We'll probably all try and come into school early on Friday to decorate their lockers and put candy and stuff in them. And you should all ask your players what kind of snacks or whatever they want."

We all get up to start practicing, since we need to finish our routine for the halftime show on friday.

Mia and I go to the water fountain in the hallway outside the gym to fill up our water bottles. I stand in the doorframe, outlooking the track and football turf.

They're having practice right now. I spot Finn, doing some kind of tackling drill. He gets thrown onto the floor by one of the heavier seniors, and I turn away from the door, trying not to laugh.

"What?" asks Mia.

"Do you think they gave me Finn because our names rhyme?"

She laughs. "I think they gave you him because they didn't know who else to put you with."

I play-hit her on the arm. "That's so mean, you asshole," I laugh, reaching over to slap her again, making her spill her water.

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