Special 26

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"Sakura! I heard what happened!" I shouted as I ran into the hospital room.

"Oh, Kimimaru. Where have you been?" She asked.

"Getting promoted, anyway, what happened to Sasuke. He was fine before you guys left for the mission." I said looking at Sasuke.

"I'm fine Kimimaru." Sasuke said sitting up and looking outside the window.

"Thank God nothing happened to you." I said wanting to huge him but he moved away from me.

"What's wrong Sasuke?" I asked.

"Oh, what's that your holding?" Sakura said pointing at the Chunin jacket.

"Well, I was gonna give it back to Tsunade but she yelled at me." I explained.

"Wait, why?" She asked.

"You see, I was promoted Chunin before you guys left for your mission. So while you guys were out I tried giving this back to her because I didn't think I was ready to be Chunin. But as you can see she and the other Chunin yelled at me so now I'm officially a Chunin." I said laughing a little.

"Shut up." Sasuke said.

"Hey Sasuke, what's wrong with you!" I shouted at him.

"Kimimaru just leave him alone. He's just tried from the mission." Sakura said.

"Fine, I'll be back later then. I'm gonna go look for Naruto. Bye now." I said walking out of his hospital room.


Why am I so weak! He's right, I'm weak! I'm so weak I can't protect myself! I thought. I can't even protect Kimimaru!

"Sakura! I heard what happened!" Kimimaru shouted as she ran into the my hospital room.

"Oh, Kimimaru. Where have you been?" Sakura asked.

"Getting promoted, anyway, what happened to Sasuke. He was fine before you guys left for the mission." Kimimaru said looking at me.

"I'm fine Kimimaru." I said sitting up and looking outside the window. Why can't you remember me?

"Thank God nothing happened to you." She said wanting to huge me but I moved away from her. This isn't you.

"What's wrong Sasuke?" She asked. This isn't Kimimaru. The kimimaru I know knows who I am.

"Oh, what's that your holding?" Sakura said pointing at something Kimimaru had behind her.

"Well, I was gonna give it back to Tsunade but she yelled at me." She explained.

"Wait, why?" Sakura asked.

"You see, I was promoted Chunin before you guys left for your mission. So while you guys were out I tried giving this back to her because I didn't think I was ready to be Chunin. But as you can see she and the other Chunin yelled at me so now I'm officially a Chunin." Kimimaru said laughing a little.

"Shut up." I said to her.

I can't believe she's a Chunin! What I've I been doing all this time! No Sasuke. Remember this isn't Kimimaru.

"Hey Sasuke, what's wrong with you!" Kimimaru shouted at me.

"Kimimaru just leave him alone. He's just tried from the mission." Sakura said.

"Fine, I'll be back later then. I'm gonna go look for Naruto. Bye now." She said walking out of my hospital room.


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