Chapter 3

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Charlotte blinked at the older girl in front of her, dawned with a nose ring and multiple piercings in her ear. She didn't look like the type of company her grandfather would have associated with.

"You're Charlotte right?" the girl asked again.

"Y-Yes" Charlotte stuttered with a nod, breaking out of her thoughtful staring.

"Good, good. Mind if I come in?" the stranger asked as she made her way into the minuscule apartment pushing past Charlotte, before she could give an answer.

"Suddenly barging into your house without your permission?! How rude!".

Charlotte swallowed thickly, pushing the voices to the back of her mind.

Placing her hands on her hips, the now intruder, looked around, "wow this place is a dump, isn't it" she proclaimed, examining the rusty kitchen. "I thought the city would have more technology in their kitchens like the book showed" she mumbled to herself as she inspected the area like a puppy seeing its first snow.

Charlotte watched as the girl made her way around the room, noticing a small backpack hanging on the girl's shoulders. But no coat even though it was late October. She mustn't be cold.

"Guess your old man was right" she spoke but it seemed it was not pointed to anyone.

"Old man?" Charlotte inquired, still standing at the opened front door. "Oh yeah. The old dwarf guy you live with. Your grandfather, right?" the infiltrator answered. The stranger then turned to look at Charlotte, "I'm Moon by the way. Your sister".

Charlotte looked at Moon in shock. "Guess you were never reminded you had a sis" she said with a shrug.

Charlotte shook her head; this was news to her. Important news that her grandfather surely would have informed her on. Would he not have specifically told her that her sister would be visiting and not just a random visitor?

"H-have we met before?" Moon raised an eyebrow. "Like...Before I got amnesia?"

Moon shook her head. "No actually. This is my first time meeting you".

Charlotte nodded her head slowly, remembering that her grandfather had asked to give any visitor her best hospitality. Closing the front door, she moved to a cupboard under the sink and pulled rusted cast iron kettle. "Let me make you some tea".

Wrapping her hands around the handle, she heaved the heavy kettle under the sink and turned the tap on. "What kind of tea do you like? Black? Herbal? I have plenty of variety?" Charlotte buzzed her words in a rambling motion as she removed the now extremely heavy iron kettle, struggling as she moved it to the heavily tarnished stove.

"Actually" Moon started as she fished out the bag her mother had given her earlier. "I heard you like green tea".

Placing it on the oven top; the rings crusted with old foods and grime that refused to move, no matter how hard a scrubbing. She moved the dial to ignite one of the rings, making flames sprout from under the kettle.

Charlotte turned to face Moon, looking at the small bag in her hand.

"Don't take it. It could be poison!"

Charlotte inhaled deeply, deciding to go against the wishes of her mind. It couldn't be poison anyway, this wasn't a fairy-tale story. Taking the small coin pouch looking bag into her hands. Pulling at the thread, Charlotte's face lit up. "Green tea leaves! I love to brew with leaves. Thank you".

Moon smiled at the girl. "My mum- I mean, my friends grow and prepare leaves".

Charlotte nodded as she prepared a tray, consisting of the brewed leaves in a colourful teapot, matching cups and a strainer. "Fresh leaves always taste better than store bought teabags" Charlotte commented as she picked up the tray and moved to the living room. "Come, let's enjoy these together" she beamed, motioning Moon to following her.

Charlotte's Knowledge: Charlotte Doesn't KnowWhere stories live. Discover now