Chapter 14

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The skeletons rushed towards at us leaving Dan and Tommy outside watching us. Thickle just started punching skeletons and they burst apart into individual bones. Cole just shot flames from his hands which did nothing against them as there was no flesh to burn. And just to our luck, the skeletons that burst apart into bones would just reform into another one meaning we couldn't kill them. And just to add insult to injury, Dan kept summoning more of them. Soon, there was over a hundred skeletons and two of us who were able to fight. And one who wasn't, that one being me. The situation was starting to look bleak for us. Thickle was getting overwhelmed by the sheer amount of them and was sweating up a storm. And due to him getting overwhelmed, skeletons were now close enough to start stabbing him. He was bleeding a lot now as a pool of blood surrounded him and his strikes were gradually slowing down. We weren't going to win at this rate. My heart started pumping faster and my vision went a super dark shade of red.
Thickle got one of his knees slashed and he fell over a tad barely standing now, "A little help vampire!" I was wishing Ben and Crosby were here to help now as they'd know what to do. But before I could think of anything. The girl behind us opened a portal to our right. When I looked I could see the camp on the other side, "We need to leave now." Thickle grabbed the guy with wings and Cole grabbed the girl. They didn't even hesitate to go through. I turned to Tommy and Dan, "See you both in hell." I dropped into the portal which closed behind me. Anyways, I fell a few feet onto the ground as the portal had formed a few feet in the air. I fell onto the grass hard. I didn't even bother to get up as I was still in complete shock of what had just happened. From where I was laying on the ground, I saw Cole had his fire hair reignited. I wondered how the girl knew to teleport us here of all places. She somehow had to know about this place to get here. Anyways, Thickle got up off the ground and from the landing a small crater had formed under him holding the guy in his arms.
Thickle lumbered over to me, "I guess we're back in the camp now thanks to her." Cole and the girl had started talking to each other. The camp wasn't the same as when I'd left. Some things were clearly different. For instance, there was giant sheets of metal scattered all over the field a few feet away from each other. The sheets is metal closest to the cabins had giant crossbows next to them with large black arrows next to them. I figured the arrows were to be used as ammunition. Next to the arrows were big buckets of clear liquid that didn't look like water. As I looked around I made out Ben's truck moving sheets of metal into place in the distance. I wondered if Crosby and Ben had returned yet or if they were still out in the mortal world. Thickle had wandered off towards the infirmary I assumed and Cole was talking to the girl. I began to trot over towards Crosby's cabin before I was stopped by Jennifer. She looked like she was clearly stressed out and I had a feeling it had to do with Ben and Crosby, "Have you seen the boys!? They've been gone for hours!"
       I debated how to explain my situation to her in a way that would make sense, "Yes actually. We were on our way back here from a deal with Zach. Then, the Jeep I was driving exploded. And um... I think Tommy and Dan abducted me but I'm not sure about that part. Although I escaped and found Thickle and Cole along the way with some girl and a dude with dark angel wings.
        Jennifer looked at me like I was nuts which I figured she would as what had just happened to me didn't make any since either, "So Thickle and Cole are still alive and here now? Nevermind, where are they?"
       I turned around and pointed in the direction I came from, "Well, Cole is by the big crossbows talking to the girl we found and Thickle is probably going to the infirmary with the dark angel guy."
       Jennifer walked past me bumping into me and going towards where Cole and the girl were. I didn't follow as I had more important things on my mind right now. I had to figure out where Crosby and Ben were. And also why Tommy and Dan wanted me so badly to join them. I mean, they could've snatched any girl from the camp and asked her to join them. It would've made more since if Tommy had asked Roxy as she was his former girlfriend. But I had no relation to Tommy that I knew of. Anyways, I tried not to think about too much. As I was walking by Crosby's cabin there was a strange flash of light in the window. I looked around making sure no one was watching me before I decided to go inside. I opened the door which creaked loudly and the inside was dusty and covered in cob webs in some spots. I wondered how Crosby and Jennifer supposedly stayed in here. I mean there was dust everywhere and the layout of this cabin was the same as Ben's. The light flashed again and I found out it was Crosby's phone on the nightstand. I walked over to the nightstand and picked it up. It was vibrating as it showed someone was calling him.
I picked up the phone, "Hello?"
There was silence on the other end for a few seconds before I could faintly make out a voice, "Vampires aren't allowed in this cabin. Especially rare bloods."
I ignored what it was saying, "Who is this?"
The voice got very loud all the sudden and deep, "Get the hell out of the cabin vampire!" I nearly dropped the phone as the person was so close to the phone I nearly went deaf. I took the phone with me and left the cabin.
The person on the other end had hung up after I had closed the door to the cabin behind me. I wondered who I had just talked to. Anyways since I had Crosby's phone I had an idea. I texted Ben asking where he was but the phone said the message couldn't be delivered. I tried to send it again but it didn't work. I went to find Jennifer as she would know what to do. I went over to where we had just arrived from and no one was there except some guy who was covered in grease and had on a work apron. He was messing with one of the large crossbows.
I approached him, "Do you know where Jennifer went?"
He looked up from what he was working on, "The infirmary."
I thanked him and went over to the infirmary. A bunch of campers had gathered around the entrance of the infirmary whispering stuff to each other. When I got close, the director came out of the big house and started shouting, "Move it everyone! I need to see what all this commotion is about!" I slipped into the infirmary while following the director. The guy with the wings was sitting up now and with a huge bandage covering where he had gotten stabbed. The bandage was soaked with black blood and the director stopped dead in his tracks a few feet away from where he entered, "Oh Christ almighty... you brought a fallen angel into the camp." Then he looked across the room where the girl was. She was eating an apple now, "Is that Catherine? She's been missing for twenty four years." Jennifer was standing next to the girl and she just nodded, "That's what I said."
        The director walked over to the bed where the girl was sitting, "The daughter of Zeus has returned to us in our time of need."
        Catherine stopped eating the apple, "Don't call me that. He left me for dead in that hell hole palace with those two nut jobs. If I owe my allegiance to anyone, it's to Hades as Mario kept me sane through that the whole awful experience."
        The director turned to the fallen angel, "His name is Mario?" The girl nodded and went back to eating the apple; ignoring the director completely. The director walked over to Mario, "A not evil fallen angel. How rare." Mario clearly didn't understand the director so Thickle stepped in, "He doesn't speak very much English. I think he speaks some sort of ancient language."
       The director nodded, "That's fine we'll just have to find someone who can understand what he's saying."
       Thickle tolled his eyes and crossed his beefy arms, "Catherine can. She was talking to him earlier." The director didn't say another word and left.
        I walked over to Jennifer, "My texts won't send to Ben through Crosby's phone."
       Jennifer grabbed Crosby's phone out of my hands then glaring at me angrily, "Don't touch his stuff." She opened his phone and scrolled through his pages of apps before clicking on one. It opened up a map and there was a bubble with a picture of Crosby on a road next to a bubble with Ben's picture, "All of have a tracking app that lets each other know where we are all the time and according to this they're on their way back to camp. Now leave us alone and go away Julia." She our Crosby's phone away and she grabbed me walking over to the door and shoving me outside. She slammed the door behind me, clearly in a bad mood. I walked away from the infirmary feeling unwelcome at the camp.

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