Chapter 20

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I could see them on top of the hill from where we were standing by the forge. It was clearly Dan and Tommy, they were finally here but they were an entire day early than what Josh had told us.
Out of instinct, I pointed to them and Ben turned to see what I was looking at. He hesitated for a second, "Oh god... oh god! They're here... they're here Crosby!" He went into a panic and ran into the forge grabbing some Decronite armor off the wall putting it on. Crosby didn't hesitate either. He tossed his hammer aside and ran over to the dragon pushing up the panel. He pressed a button and the dragon began blaring an alarm. It was so loud that there was no way anybody in the camp wouldn't here it. He closed the panel on the dragon and ran over to the wall of armor, picking a piece off the lowest shelf that looked like it was made of fencing mesh. He took off his sweatshirt and put it on. Then he put his sweatshirt back on and ran over to the weapons table picking up his sword and slinging it (in its sheathe) over his shoulder. He also picked up the rifle that was leaning against the table; heading towards the center of camp. Ben got on top of the dragon and campers came running to the forge. Ben started yelling, "Pick up your armor and weapons and form a front line! Don't attack until I give the order! This is a battle to the death! Tommy will not be taking any prisoners! Hurry! There's no time to spare!" They did as he said with everybody picking up a weapon and a piece of armor from a giant pile behind the dragon. Then they would run off towards the field getting into position. Now there was a constant stream of campers coming into the forge. I kind of just stood there out of the way unsure what I was supposed to do. After a few seconds the stream of campers had stopped and when I looked towards the field, all the panels had at least three campers behind them. Except for the front seven panels which had no one behind them. The seven panels were the farthest forward in the battlefield. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Josh who had just climbed up onto Crosby's roof, rifle in hand. He ducked behind the railing of the roof though and I lost sight of him. A few seconds later, Crosby came around the corner of the nearest cabin with a massive group behind him with the guys from earlier like Thickle and Cole in it. Everybody that had just arrived gathered around the dragon with Ben on top of it, "As you all know, we're the spearhead of this defensive movement. If we fall, the camp is a lost cause. Our job is to hold them back. We're going to divide into three squads. Squad one will take the left flank and squad two will take the right. The first squad will be led by Cathy and will include Mario, Mikey, Gerry, and Benji. The second squad will be led by Cornelius and will include Lukas, Thickle, and Cole. The third squad will be the main defense effort holding down the middle. I will be leading it; Crosby, Jennifer, and Julia, you'll be coming with me." He picked up a box off a dragon and tossed it next to the dragon, there was a bunch of earpieces of varying colors in the box, "Everybody take one and put it on. This is how we'll communicate. Now move out!" Everybody snagged one and put it on. I did grabbed a purple one and put it on. Then we split into our assigned groups, Cathy and her group went all the way to the left side of the field near the forest. Cornelius and his group went to the side closest to the forge. Ben, Crosby, Jennifer, and I went down the middle. We had two other guys join us as we went up against the two panels in the front. One guy had a machine gun and the other had a two handed battle axe. I was with Ben and Crosby against the panel to the right. Jennifer and the other two were on the panel to the left. We were at the panels that were the farthest up. Jennifer was on the side farthest away from us and the guy with the axe was the closest. Ben was in front of me and Crosby was to my right. Four or so panels back was ballista being operated by Gerry. And behind the ballistas on the roof of Crosby's cabin was Josh.
Tommy and Dan were on the hill almost half a football field away from us. Seeing our forces rally together. Even though they were far away, I could clearly make out what Tommy was saying from the hill, "How pathetic of you guys to try to prevent an event that can't be stopped! Unless of course you wish to surrender your lives and your camp now!"
Ben and Crosby without communicating peaked over the barrier at the same time. Jennifer joined them afterwards. And I did too, wanting to be considered one of leaders of the attack like they were. Ben looked up towards them, "Go the hell home prince boy! There's only two of you and hundreds of us!"
Tommy got a manic grin on his face, "It appears so but you couldn't be farther from wrong." He snapped his fingers and a giant mass of creatures formed behind him that covered the entire hill.
I heard Crosby through my earpiece, "He has angels, ogres, and trolls. We should be okay."
Tommy must've heard what Crosby said as he shook his head and whistled. Not even a second later a giant hand picked Dan and Tommy. It raised them a few feet into the air, "We have giants too." Just to confirm his statement; at least ten giants stood behind his army. All of them were females. I had heard Crosby talk before about how difficult giants were to kill. Then, I heard Jennifer curse to herself through the earpiece. We all ducked back down behind the panels and Ben began speaking, "This is much worse than we anticipated. But we have to go through with this. It's time to begin the show. Everybody... let it rain." Half a second later Brady peaked over the panel and began to rain a hail of bullets upon them. The ballista began to fire and other people began to shoot whatever they had at Tommy's forces. Tommy and Dan drew back as their forces advanced as unstoppable wave of destruction. They began to close in on us. When they were a few yards away, Ben gave the order, "ATTACK!" Everybody at once climbed over the panels they were hiding behind and rushed towards the enemy. I tried to follow Ben and Crosby but they went straight to the right trying to probably flank the enemy but I was surrounded. I was stuck back to back with Jack, who had his giant battle axe at the ready, "You ready new girl?"
I nodded and we lunged forward in opposite directions I could here him slashing away at the ogres and them trying to attack him. I kicked one in the head and broke it's neck upon impact. One tried to grab me from behind and I jumped just in time to avoid it. I landed on the ogres hand that had tried to grab me and roundhouse kicked it in the face and jumped off. The ogre stumbled back and the other ones backed off as two angels arrived. One had a sword and shield and the other had a small axe. They circled me but I knew the shield guy would be a bigger threat as he could deflect my attacks. I focused on him and he lunged forward at me swinging. I sidestepped and when he was mid stride I kicked him into his friend. They went flying and knocked down a few ogres. Jack had killed a few already and was standing on top of the pile of their corpses. Brady came running out of the battle surrounding us and bumped into me, "Go find Thickle he needs you." Brady started firing at the enemies that were surrounding Jack. Doing as he told me to, I looked around quickly and got a glimpse of Thickle through a bunch of ogres. I backed and ran forward gaining momentum and sliding at the last second, going right underneath all of them. I ended up right next to the Thickle and at his feet was the corpse of Dante, "What happened to him?"
      Thickle kept punching at the ogres not turning to face me, "They broke his spine." Dante's eyes were cold and lifeless. The enemy was closing in again. This time there was a creature bigger than the ogres. It was a troll, and it picked up a camper and ate him alive. After it did, it turned to me. I had no clue how to kill this thing but I had no choice as it lowered its arm to the ground and charged at me. I launched myself up in the air using my vampiric strength to avoid its attack. I brought myself down upon the troll and drop kicked the troll so hard that a crater formed around it. Thickle turned feeling the ground rumble before he got punched by an ogre into the crater with me and the troll. The troll was at least three times the size of me and easily twice as strong. It roared at me, its breath wreaking of death. Before I knew it, the troll punched me as it roared and I hit the wall of the crater hard. I felt a rock pierce straight through my armor and graze my skin. I tried to get up as the troll lumbered closer to me but Thickle and Michael landed in front of me stopping it dead in it's tracks. The troll tried to grab Thickle with both hands but he grabbed its arms pushing it back. Michael helped me up and before I could thank him he went to help Thickle. He ran right up to the troll's stomach and punched it skywards. It lifted off the ground a few yards before falling onto a bunch of ogres on the edge of the crater. I ran over to the two of them in the middle of the crater. Thickle looked around as ogres lined the outside of the crater and were beginning to crawl down, "Michael! Get us out of here!"
      He picked me up by the waist with one hand and Thickle with the other, "On it!" He flew upwards feet above the battle. I could see everything. Crosby was in a sword fight with Dan and Ben was fighting Tommy. Brady and Jack were still massacring ogres. Then I noticed a big issue, Cathy and her group were getting overwhelmed by giants and Jennifer was in a fight with one of the giants. Michael flew towards Cathy and the others near Jennifer. He dropped us into the middle of the group. As I looked around the group, Cole and Benji were combining their fire abilities to make an extremely deadly fire spell that was burning ogres to a crisp. Cathy was riding the dragon from earlier attacking giants and angels while Mario covered her. Lukas was casting ice spells at angels that flew too close to the group and Mikey had a crossbow and was also helping kill angels. When we landed, Thickle was busy fighting another troll before it felt to the ground and I could see Josh was facing us and probably had just shot it. Out of nowhere a giant fell and I saw one of the black arrows from the ballistas in it's neck. Then another one fell due to the ballistas and another as Josh shot it straight in the neck. There was only four giants left and two trolls. There was maybe a hundred more ogres and fifty more angels. Their numbers were dwindling.
       Then, Jennifer picked me up, having just killed a giant, "We have to go help Crosby and Ben." She ran over to the hill where they were and put me down. Before she could do anything an angel slashed at her ankle making her fall over onto a bunch of the enemies forces, crushing them. When I turned back around, Tommy was advancing in on Ben who I could smell was bleeding. His armor he had on was torn to shreds along with his shirt under it. Tommy had his back to me. I had to save Ben. I rushed at Tommy and he heard me coming and turned around. But it was too late as I kicked him in the face. He stumbled away from Ben and I helped Ben up. He was bleeding heavily and Crosby was still in a sword fight with Dan. They were evenly matched. Tommy was bleeding from his head now due to me kicking him, "Filthy vampire. You'll pay for what you've done." Tommy suddenly was back to back with Dan. I saw that Jennifer was now with Crosby. We all advanced towards them. The battle raged below us as we stood on the hill. It was a battle between the leaders of each team now.
      Dan was barely able to stand, "We have to finish this now."
      Tommy looked down, "On it." All of the sudden a blinding white light came from Tommy. I couldn't see for a few seconds but when it dispersed, Tommy had two giant swords and spiky white armor along with a white crown.
      Dan has a similar outfit but was black instead of white, "Time to finish this." They each lunged at us and Tommy landed a solid strike on me cutting my armor clean in half and causing it fall off. It ripped my shirt a bit and grazed my skin; I felt myself bleeding. The wound burned but I ignored the pain for now as I was running on adrenaline. Ben faired much worse though as he had a giant gash from his shoulder down to his waist. Tommy advanced towards Ben and I purposely stood in his way. He swung again and I tried to evade but wasn't fast enough. He cut my cheek this time and the pain became even worse. My vision went dark red and Tommy smirked, "You finally activated your vampiric aura."
        New energy surged through me and my hair turned white. I felt like a new person. He swung a bunch of times but every swing I blocked with a kick and disarmed him. He pulled out a smaller sword and ran at me going for a stab attack. I spun myself and kicked him in the chest sending him flying backwards. He went straight into Dan and they tumbled off the hill together. They rolled down the hill together. When I looked towards the field, our forces had defeated theirs completely and they were the only two left alive. All the remaining campers gathered around them and the four of us descended downwards onto them. It was time to finish this. Tommy got up and so did Dan but neither of them had weapons anymore. I saw Ben walk over to Crosby and Ben took Crosby's sword. He walked back over to the two and stabbed Dan with it straight through the heart, leaving Tommy alone. Tommy looked around and coughed up blood; barely able to  stand, "Damn you all to hell!"
       He had his back to Ben when Ben stabbed him through the gut and pushed him down onto the blade, "You can go enjoy hell for us." Tommy grabbed at the sword but Ben pulled it out and Tommy fell to his knees grasping at the wound for a few seconds before collapsing. Everybody started cheering and celebrating. I didn't as Ben tossed Crosby's sword aside and fell to his knees, "It's finally over... no more missing or murdered team members...."
      All of the sudden, Ben was breathing heavily and I kneeled next to him, "Are you okay?" He shook his head as his breathing became shaky. Crosby put his hands on Ben's shoulders and muttered something in some language I didn't recognize. Ben suddenly stopped bleeding but he fell over unconscious. Knowing he was a demigod, I figured he just would need rest. I picked Ben up in my arms and began to walk back to our cabin. I was praying he would recover while everybody else except Crosby celebrated our victory.

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