Chapter 9

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In the morning, we ate breakfast together in the dining room. The boys ate normal food like eggs, bacon, and pancakes. Then, there was me and Jennifer, I had to drink blood out of a vial from the boys we killed yesterday. And she was eating flesh from her latest kill, I found it gross that she was eating flesh but she had no choice as it was what giants ate apparently. When I was drinking the blood, I tried to savior it as Jennifer had only gotten me two of them for some reason. Anyways, Ben and Crosby were sitting across from each other at the table and only looked at each other or at their food avoiding looking at us at all while they ate. They were clearly grossed out by us eating humans. I honestly don't blame them as it was extremely gross and disturbing when you think about it in more detail. But we had only been sitting down for a few minutes before there was a knock on the back door which was located by the kitchen. Crosby naturally got up and went over to the door. Since I was bored I followed him. When we got to the back door there was a small window in the door and there was a bunch of guys grouped up together on the other side.
I saw Crosby smirk and open up the door, "Whats up guys!?" There was an older guy who was super pale skin with a blue robe with a white outline. He had super dark blue eyes that were almost purple in color and he had greasy and mangled. He stood in the front of the group with a grim look on his face. Another guy was in a similar robe to the first guy but it was black with a red outline and the collar faced upwards. His hair was brown and slicked to one side. He wasn't as tall as the guy in blue robe but he was somewhat tall. Then there was a third guy who had brown hair that was greased back along with brown eyes. He looked similar to the the brown haired wizard. He was wearing a red t-shirt and blue jeans. Another guy was behind them wearing a white robe and he had black hair that came up to a peak at the front. He had silver eyes.
    The guy with the blue wizard robe stepped forward, "Crosby the camp director needs to talk to you along with the new recruit."
     Crosby rubbed his neck seemingly nervous as his smiled faded as the guy in the blue robe said that? "Uh... give me a few minutes and we'll be ready."
     Crosby then proceeded to walk away from the door leaving me with the older guy and he looked at me up and down, "They didn't tell me they got a girl as the new recruit. What's your name?"
      All the guys eyes were on me and I didn't like it but I didn't want to be rude, "Well, um... my name is Julia." I'm not gonna lie but the guy in the jeans was steaming hot.
     The jeans guy was smiling at me and two of the guys whisper something to each other, "What an absolute hottie. Better than most of the girls at the camp." I wanted to indirectly flirt with the guy jeans as he was my type just based on his looks. So, I thought it'd be funny to strike a pose. I turned sideways and put on hand on my hip and bent one knee resting on my tips toes and blew a kiss at them before walking over to Ben. I felt them still staring at me as they followed me into the house and Ben was the only one still sitting at the table. When I got close enough he got up holding the plate he had been previously eating off. But before he could get far he tripped on something falling flat onto his face and he shattered his plate at the same time. I smelled him bleeding again but I ignored it offering him a hand as he looked up at me.
     He took my hand and I helped him up, "Thanks Julia." I smiled a bit trying to hide that I was seriously trying not to bite him as my vision was red which I figured out means my eyes are glowing. His nose was bleeding and that's what I was smelling. Anyways, I heard the group behind me collectively gasp. I knew they had just figured out I was a vampire as they could probably see my eyes glowing. Ben out of nowhere pulled me into a hug and whispered into my ear, "They're all staring at you."
      I smiled knowing this already, "I know captain obvious." I hugged him back though which caused him to be a little confused and kind of panic, "Are you going to bite me!?" He seemed to try to get me off him by wiggling around.
      I laughed a bit and let him go, "No idiot. I'm able to control myself better than you think."
      He smiled a bit but didn't find it as funny as I did that he just had a mini heart attack because of me. He pulled himself self together, "Anyways I should probably introduce you to everyone. Let's see... oh! The older guy is Cornelius. The guy in the jeans is Michael. Then, the one in the black and red robe is Lukas. Benji has the white robe. And I think that's everyone."
     I waved, "Hi everyone! I already know that you know my name!" They smiled waving back except for the jean guy who was mega bad boy from what I could tell and the the older guy didn't either. Seconds later, Crosby came down from upstairs with Jennifer trailing closely behind, "Let's get out of here." Crosby walked past the guys and Jennifer followed. The guys didn't follow them until me and Ben walked by. Apparently we were going to some sort of camp. I wondered what the camp would be like since I'd never heard of a camp near us and especially not of one in the woods behind a residential area...

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