leonardo | 1

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the night sky in new york was sometimes the most beautiful view in the world. on not so lucky days, the stars wouldn't be visible at all due to the lights emitting from the city.

you looked up to the sky from your bedroom window with a sigh. today wasn't your best day and all you wanted to do was sleep, yet your brain kept you awake and plastered you with thoughts.

you had done almost everything; you drew a little sketch, you read a book, you played video games and lastly, you mindlessly scrolled through your phone.

as you scrolled through your social medias to see what was new, a message notification popped up on the top of your screen.

neon leon:
why are you awake at this hour, young lady >:(

a small smile forced its way to your face and you quickly replied.

i could ask you the same thing, good sir

a minute passed before your phone buzzed.

neon leon:
oh well i cant sleep. you know how it is :P

you hesitated a short moment before typing.

well i cant sleep either..
soo you wanna come over?

when you didn't receive a reply after a few minutes, you began to worry.
did your last text sound creepy? why would he even sneak out at 3am to meet you? what if he gets caught in some battle with a villain while he's outside?!

your thoughts were interrupted by the buzzing of your phone.

neon leon:
omw! take your nintendo ds and we'll have a pokemon battle on the rooftop

see ya then!

after hitting 'send' on your last text, you sprung up from your bed and quickly got dressed in a hoodie and a pair of pants before you got your old pair of sneakers from your closet.

after you tied your shoes and put your nintendo in a bag, you climbed out of the window and climbed up the fire escape.
leo was nowhere to be seen when you got to the rooftop.
you sat down in the middle of it and took out your nintendo to start playing pokemon.

your mind began drifting off and you quietly sang a song while petting your pikachu. you were so focused on singing and playing that you hadn't noticed leo arriving.

leo quietly walked over to you, careful enough to not make a sound as he wanted to hear more of your voice. he never knew you could sing, and so beautifully at that.

only when he sat down next to you, did you finally notice him. you immediately stopped singing and stared at leo with a red face.

"did you hear me sing?!" you raised your voice unintentionally.
"yep!" leo replied nonchalantly. the look on your face was a bonus to him.
"if it calms you down," he continued and carefully watched your face, "i think your singing was amazing."

your face turned a darker shade of red before you turned yourself away from leo and focused back on your pikachu, "s-shut up and let's battle!"

"aw, can't you sing another song?" his voice sounded genuine but you were so embarrassed that nothing could change your mind.

"a-another time!" by this point, your ears turned red too. leo huffed as he got his nintendo and started it up, "fiiine, but i'll remember it!" he winked before you two focused back on your games.

your blush did not leave the whole time and your heart was beating quickly.
"shell yeah!" leo suddenly yelled when he finally beat your last pokemon. you groaned as your last pokemon, your lucario, cried out and got back into its pokeball.

"you were just lucky," you puffed out your cheeks and narrowed your eyes at leo.
"was i lucky ooorrr was i just the better pokemon trainer?" he chuckled, shut off his nintendo and put it back in his small bag.
you did the same thing before you two simply sat next to each other in silence.

"you know," leo spoke up, "i think i deserve a prize."
"what?" you replied in a deadpanned voice.
"for winning the battle, y'know?"

you raised a quizzical eyebrow as you stared at leo cautiously, "well, what do you want?"
you could think of a thousand things immediately.
leo thought for a short moment before he threw an arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer, "sing a song."

you're face, which had gone back to its normal color, was back to being as red as a tomato.
"w-wha-?" you managed to get out. the closeness and the request could make you fall unconscious out of embarrassment right there.
"don't act like you didn't hear me!" leo groaned and leaned his head against your shoulder, "pleaseee! just one song!"

there was a fierce battle of your thoughts inside your head. though after a short while, you gave up the battle and began singing softly.
it was a simple melody yet it seemed to calm leo down enough to make him fall asleep.

leo's quiet snores suddenly interrupted your singing and you held in a giggle. the poor turtle had always trouble with falling asleep and would spend many nights aimlessly wandering around the lair. seeing him peacefully asleep was rare.

you leaned your head against his and closed your eyes. sure, you would have sore muscles tomorrow morning from the position, but you didn't want to wake up leo no matter what.

"goodnight leo,"

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requested by @nycmariajose17

i'm sorry this isn't exactly the same scenario you requested but it's kinda similar to it? :(
i didn't know how to start this since i had like a lot of ideas,,
i still hope you enjoy it!

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