leonardo | tea prompts 2

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@ the person who requested coffee for leon;
i hope u don't mind that i wrote for two more prompts since i didn't want the chapter to be short (the same goes for the alphabet prompts for raph which im still working on)

coffee; do they get jealous easily? how do they show it?

•leon does get jealous easily however, he trusts you and will hold back on the jealousy
•out of his brothers, he's got the number one place on being the quickest to get jealous.
•he rarely gets jealous when you're with his brothers, but when he wants your attention and you're busy, he won't deny the jealousy
•he'll throw an arm around your shoulder, lean his head on your shoulder, hold your hand and so on. the typical jealousy stuff, y'know?
•if leo has enough of being jealous for the day, but still hasn't gotten your attention, he'll wrap his arms around your waist, lift you up and carry you away to cuddle
•oh you were playing an arcade game? doesn't matter, you can play later
•leo gets super jealous when you're with other humans, especially boys
•he's scared of you leaving him for someone else, since he's a giant turtle and can't go topside in the day so normal dates never happen
•he'll be silent for the whole day and will also hesitate on telling you about his insecurities
•pls tell him you love him the way he is every day

rosehip tea; how romantic are they? how do they show affection?

leo is not only the most jealous, but also the biggest romantic out of his brothers
•he knows all romantic tropes and will try them all
•fake yawning and resting his arm over your shoulder, giving you a hoodie of his when you're cold, leaving flowers on your windowsill and so on
•you name it, he's tried it
•leo lives for affection but will only hold your hand or rest his arm around your shoulder when you're with his family
•but when the two of you are alone, he'll shower you with affection
•it's not that he doesn't like you enough to do that in front of his family, but it is embarrassing and his brothers would tease him forever

hibiscus tea; what's their favorite place to take their s/o?

•when leo and his brothers go on patrol and he finds a rooftop with a nice view, you bet he'll take you there for a date
•he'll get blankets and your favorite food so the two of you could cuddle and eat while watching the view of new york
•you mostly end up falling asleep and he'll carry you back to your apartment, but these types of dates are your favorite and are always relaxing
•other than that, he'll also take you to either abandoned or closed-for-the-night amusement parks
•he can't take you out on a date like a normal couple, so this is the best he can do
•the fact that he can make you happy by winning you a plushie makes it one of his favorite places along with your usual rooftop dates

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