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(Your pov)
"(Y/n) watch out!" Tanjiro yelled at me. I backbend out of the way of an attack from a demon and went into a backflip cutting the demon's head off. I was supposed to only show Tanjiro to the city, but something was off with this child like something was telling me to protect him at all costs. I ruffled his hair softly chuckling, "Come on let's go kid." I glanced at the box on his back smelling Nezuko. He nods following me into the city his cheeks puffed out slightly from me calling him a kid.
I have to admit the busyness of the city and the overwhelming amount of people made me a bit nervous. I immediately melt when I saw Nezuko petting her and smiled totally melting at her adorableness. I wanted to protect her till the end of time.
I frowned when Tanjiro ran off and I told Nezuko to stay. I quickly ate the bowl of food that Tanjiro bought me and set the bowl down following behind him. My eyes changed colors from (your eye color) to a orange when I smelt a demon powerful demon. I quickly grabbed Tanjiro's hand and told him to relax. He didn't listen to me blinded with rage. I stayed with him meeting eyes with the red eye male. He seemed curious looking at me.
   I noticed as his expression changed when we didn't answer when he first asked what we needed. I kept my eyes on him as I answered for Tanjiro. I looked to his wife as a quick glance at his child as well. I tried to help Tanjiro from being completely frozen by squeezing his wrist, "Pardon us. Your husband looked similar to someone we knew." She nods not noticing when her husband cut a human's neck changing them into a demon. My blood started to boil as I pushed Tanjiro to help the guy that just changed into a demon as I followed Muzan.
      I groaned in frustration when I lost him in the crowd. I went back to Tanjiro using my blood art to make a mass fainting so people wouldn't recognize us or interfere with us protecting them from getting eaten. Tamayo help Tanjiro take care of the new demon to make sure that he wouldn't attack others. I left Tanjiro with Tamayo and I followed the aura the Muzan left wherever he walked.
Every muscle in my body locked up when I sensed him behind me. I ducked when I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand and I glared. He looks down at me fixing his coat, "What are you? You look like a scared kitten." I stepped back some and stood, "That's none of your business." His eyes started to glow and went to grab my neck and I grabbed his wrist, "Don't test me woman." He shoved me into a wall but I kept a firm grip on his wrist, "I am not going to cower in front of you. You can try and intimidate me all you wish, but you should act less like a savage and think before you act." I knew I was pissing him off it was written all over his face I grunt when he buried his nails into my sides. My eyes turned a violet color as my body started to kill the cells he tried to put into my body. I let go of the hand that was going for my throat as my body turned a bit weaker to stop the body invasion. I entwined my fingers with the hand that was in my side and I started to push back glaring, "S-Stop." He started to close the gap between us, "I'll ask again what are you?" I winced in pain, "My answer is the same. It does pay to be nice." I grunt when he grabs me by the throat, "Fine let's find out by using a test." I started to gasp for air as he started to crush my windpipe. I kicked him where it counts and he ripped my leg off. I hissed in pain as my leg grew back. He smiles, "I got my answer. Now who created you was it Tamayo?" I glared, "No it wasn't. I didn't even want to be turned into a demon." His hand that was piercing my side moves down to my newly formed leg, "You smell like you don't eat humans." I watched him, "I don't need to. I hate the idea of people being left alone or losing a loved one so I chose to eat demons instead." His eyes lingered on my eyes as they changed again to an orange, "Why do your eyes keep changing color." I told him, "My eyes change based on the situation. If you keep irritating me I might let go of my restraints." My wrists had gauntlets that were buried into my wrists to keep my blood art limited. Muzan let's go of my neck and I rubbed the spot, "I'll go with you if you leave Tanjiro alone." Muzan eyes me, "What will I get out of this?" I told him, "An ally, but if you threaten Tanjiro in anyway I will fight you to the death." Muzan seemed to think, "I'll think about it. I'll find you when I have my answer. Of course I will have some terms of my own." I moved out of his grip appearing in another shadow to show I could've left any time I wanted to. I could feel Muzan's eyes watching me leave the alley as I went to go check on Tanjiro and Nezuko.
(Muzan's pov)
    (Your pronouns) so feisty. It irritates me, but it leaves a craving in my body to push (y/p) to (y/p) limits. A demon that I didn't allow to be created and a demon that fights back against me. (Y/p)'ll be helpful because (y/p) won't just speak what I want to hear. (Y/p) could give a different perspective. I wonder what (y/p) has accomplished to become that powerful. I watched (y/p) hips swaying as (y/p) walked away awaking a hunger for (y/p). I went into my main hide out that was a labyrinth of doors and rooms that moved around. I sit on my thrown and tried to get her out of my mind. I mutter to myself, "(your pronoun) is fit to be my king/queen."
~time skip and your pov~
          About a month passed and I was waiting for Muzan to appear out of nowhere and pull me into an alley to take me away, but I was still here with Tanjiro and the group growing. I found Inosuke adorable and I liked to mess with him and challenge him. Zenitsu was head over heels in love with Nezuko and I would tease him a bit about it. I sensed that something was off and so I went into the forest to go check it out.

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