Chapter Five: Just a Little Tease

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I looked away from his body and went to go shower. He grabs my hand and spins me into his arms dipping me. I blushed as he leaned in for a kiss and I advert my eyes having a small debate in my mind meeting him half way kissing him softly. Muzan breaks it slowly cooing, "My my you like me?" I blushed, "shut up." I wiggled out of his arms and ran to the bathroom again, "Stop hiding in the bathroom (y/n) it doesn't lock!" I blushed at the idea of him walking into the bathroom as I was naked.
    I got into the bath to relax from the play fight earlier. I nearly fell asleep in the bath but he knocked, "What's taking so long you've been in there an hour." I put my pajamas on and I came out telling him, "I have to take care of myself. It's a lot of work to look this hot." I playfully spun and I noticed him checking me out, "You look hot all the time (y/n)." He grabs my shirt and pulls me to him his hands resting on my hips. His hands started to slide down to my ass and I slapped his hands, "Hey now keep that for the wedding night. Control yourself." Muzan's eyes started to glow, "What if I can't hm?" I told him, "You will. I want to keep all of this pure until wedding night." Muzan groans, "fine no promises I won't hold back on our wedding night." I nod, "Ok. Goodnight." I pulled away and laid in the bed my back to him. I felt Muzan lay behind me and I blushed a bit as he scoots closer making me little spoon. I relaxed as I started to fall asleep. I squealed when I felt him bite my neck and I tried to push him off of me but his arms were wrapped on top of mine preventing me from moving.
(A/n: So in my lore with my demons they mark their partners/mates from biting and inject a bit of their blood into their body to make the person theirs so that other demons smell their mate on them.)
I groaned when I felt the trace amount of his blood flow through my body. I balled my hands into fists relaxing when the pain subsides. Muzan licks the spot, "Gotta make sure no one else tries to make you theirs." He snuggled into my neck and coos, "Goodnight." I groaned since my neck was sore now and it would hurt a bit when I moved. I closed my eyes falling asleep to the sound of Muzan's steady breathing.
         I felt around the bed in the morning and sat up when I didn't feel him in bed. I got worried but I stayed not feeling like getting lost. Evelyn came in with my wedding dress and tells me, "He moved the date until today...he's probably getting ready for his end game." I nod as she puts on the kimono on me, "it's heavier than I thought." Evelyn nods, "He made many layers maybe he wants to hide your assets." She playfully points to my ass and I blushed, "Stop that." I followed her down the hall as Douma wrapped his arm around Evelyn's waist. She giggles playing a fan girl booping his nose, "Master Douma control yourself~" He went to steal a kiss and Muzan clears his throat, "not at my wedding." Douma stopped nodding. Muzan takes my hands and takes me in front of the first moon who makes our wedding official and makes sure that it was filed. I didn't ask what happened to his other human covers but I assumed the worse about them. I relaxed as he says his vows and I tell my vows back. He pulls my waist close kissing me gently. I kissed back gasping as he picked me up. He coos, "let's go to on our honeymoon." He carried me bridal style into a carriage. I asked where we were going and he smiles, "That would ruin the surprise so I can't tell you." He touches my thigh and I lean on the wall. Muzan told me, "You don't have to worry. I'll keep my promise." I glanced at him, "I'm more worried about something else." I didn't want to tell him that I was nervous about falling in love with him and not having my feelings returned by him. I blushed when he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me on top of his lap making it so I face him, "Tell me what's wrong. You're killing the mood here." He fixed a piece of my hair that came out of place and I bite my lip, "I'm nervous about you." Muzan kisses the center of my neck and coos, "Hey now I'll be careful. I was joking earlier." I blushed a bit as his hand slides up my leg, "Don't worry I'll make all your worries melt away. After all I'll be your only person that you'll interact with." My eyes immediately met his, "You'll what?" Muzan's hands slid up into my kimono and rested on my ass, "I'll be the only one with you." My heart started to race as I thought about Evelyn being killed, "why why is it only us?" Muzan told me, "I figured you want us to be alone especially after the two of us getting married. You wanted all the demons killed so I let my moons loose and it will just be the two of us hidden away from humans and demons a like." His hands move and cups my cheek with one of his hand, "Why are you getting so irritated with me mentioning that?" I couldn't answer him I was speechless. I waited for my thoughts to be collected and I tell him, "Because I knew the girl that helped me change out of my outfits she could get killed." Muzan sighed, "She won't because she's part demon." I nod slowly. Muzan sighed, "Fine I'll make it a command so that she won't be eaten." I relaxed at him giving in and he rests his face in my chest, "You drive me wild. You're lucky that I care about you."

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