Chapter Four: Don't Laugh

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        I was a bit nervous about my friends not being able to recognize me, but I was curious to find out what a date was like to Muzan.
Muzan took my hand and lead me through his maze of doors. I walked at his side since he kept slowing down so that I wasn't behind him while he walked. He opened a door and I flinched at the loud sound of screaming and the sound of laughter.
He pulls me out of the doors and I looked around. To my amazement my nose was overwhelmed with smells of sweets and I heard genuine happiness from the people there. It was the night of a full moon and it was beautifully reflecting off the attractions there. I followed him around and he paused for a second by a roller coaster. I noticed that he started to guide me away from it and I asked him, "Don't you want to try the coaster?" Muzan didn't want to back out now since I drew attention to it. I held his hand as I watched his internal conflict while we walked to the front coaster. I smiled totally wanting to tease him. He sits next to me and clung to my arm as the coaster started. I squealed in terror as I totally noticed that this ride was not safe at all. I was surprised that I survived after the ride, but I enjoyed seeing Muzan nervous hiding in my neck or trying to keep his face void of fear the whole time.
He scrambled to get off and decided to change the subject and make fun of how the wind ruined my hair and how the coaster made my sides ache from hitting the sides of the cart hard. He fixes it for me pecking my cheek and took my hand.  
I held onto his hand with a firm grip as I looked around the place full of humans. I tried to stay relaxed, but couldn't help getting nervous around him a bit. I tried to figure out why it felt like I had butterflies in my stomach.
     He pulled us into an alleyway between attractions. He pushed me gently against the wall. I blushes expecting him to kiss me, but instead he whispered in my ear, "Do you enjoy surprises?" I was curious by what he meant, "Depends on the surprise." Muzan kisses my ear, "If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise anymore." I was trying to watch his body language for signs of what he had in store as my surprise. He rubs his hand along my side as he pulled away from my ear and started to pull me through the alley. I followed as the sound of people slowly got quieter. I got nervous when the alley seemed like it would never end. I breathed a sigh of relief when we reached the end of the alley that the trees and tents made. It was quiet and no one was around. A lake reflected the moon to us and Muzan's breath tickled my ear again, "What a gorgeous evening with you in it." I blushed rolling my eyes, "You're only flirting to make it more comfortable with the wedding." Muzan holds my waist closer, "You might see it that way. What if I want a genuine relationship, but have this deal as a backup plan?" I crossed my arms joking, "I doubt you thought that far ahead especially since you barely met-" I was cut off by Muzan tripping me and dunking me into the lake. I gasped at how cold it was and grabbed him by the tie yanking him into the lake with me. I playfully pinned him, "Who's the top now?" Muzan held in his laugh, "You're not aggressive enough to be my top." He pushed back against my grip and I squealed as he pushed me over onto my back.
We rolled around in the water playfully fighting for dominance, but called it a stalemate as we both started to run out of energy. I was exhausted laying my cheek on his chest as both of our chests were heaving from rolling around in the freezing cold lake. I groaned when he told us that we had to leave because the sun was coming up soon. I felt the urge to keep him there, but I also felt my heart ache at the idea of him dying. What's happening to me?
       I held his hand walking sleepily as we walked back to his room. It was more simple to get into his hide out because of him being able to make the doors appear wherever, but it irritated me when he picked me up. I leaned on him too tired to fight back or come up with a smart comment. He smiles joking, "Two wins in one day." I glared, "shut up you didn't win today." He chuckled, "Sure you won. Your clothes are soaked maybe I should strip you to keep you from catching a cold." I blushed, "Don't you even dare." I glared at him, "I'll take you're eyes out of your head if you even attempt to strip me." Muzan sets me down, "I'll shower first. You can go change. Unless you want to join me." I took off my soaked jacket and hit him with it, "Go shower." Muzan leaves shaking his head.
      I got changed and Evelyn came in to take my soaked clothes. I hugged her quickly telling her through the connection not to try and get me out of Muzan's place, "You'll breach the deal and he'll make demons again and kill more of the demon hunters. If he stops making demons then the demons that already exist can be killed and then it will be only him." Evelyn nods at the idea. She pulled away after I gave her my wet clothes and she left.
        Muzan got out in a towel completely naked without it. My eyes locked on his body and he asked, "See something you like hm?" I flushed red.

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