Trapped in the Precinct

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Takes place pre-caskett.

It was a Thursday afternoon and the 12th precinct was busy solving a triple murder and kidnapping. The FBI was supposed to be taking over the case, or at the very least working with Detective Beckett's team. However, they had yet to be seen.

In the meantime, Captain Gates had ordered everyone to stay working on the case. She didn't want anyone to leave, even for a lunch break. The only time they were allowed out was if they were going to get a suspect.

Detective Beckett was searching through phone records trying to find a commonality between the victims. While she was searching, Castle was sitting quietly (surprisingly) and looking at the murder board. He realized how serious this case was, especially seeing as a little girl was being held captive by the serial killer.

While she was working, Beckett began to feel some sharp pains in her lower abdomen. Mentally she began to count the days since her last period, because the cramps felt like menstrual cramps. It had been 34 days. This was really bad timing, with the case and all. She went to the restroom, hoping that she wasn't really getting it. Sure enough, when she wiped, there was reddish pink blood on the toilet paper.

After stuffing her panties with a wad of toilet paper, Detective Beckett returned to her desk to get a tampon. The box in her desk was empty. Just her luck. Beckett quickly searched her entire desk and was out of luck. She knew Gates wouldn't let her leave to go to a store, panicked, she tried to come up with a solution.

The only one allowed to leave the precinct, unless there was a major family emergency, was Richard Castle. As much as Beckett did not want to ask him to buy tampons for her, she really felt she had no choice.

Even though she was sitting right next to him, Beckett texted Castle for fear that others would overhear what she was asking him for.

"Can you do me a favor Castle? I wouldn't ask you, but you are the only one who can leave the building...," Beckett typed.

He found it quite peculiar that Beckett was asking him for something, so he figured it must be serious. "Sure, what's up?" Castle asked.

When she accidently left menstrual products out on her desk a few years ago, she was the butt of many jokes and comments of disgust from fellow male officers. Afraid that he would make some inconsiderate jokes, she said "I need a box of tampons, and Gates won't allow me to leave the building," said Beckett.

"Okay, I'll go right away," he responded.

Beckett let out a sign of relief as he left the building to go to the store. A few minutes later she got a text from Castle asking what brand and/or kind she wanted. "What ever is cheapest will do. I will pay you back once this case is over," responded Beckett. "Okay, but no need to pay me back," he replied.

Twenty minutes later, Castle reemerged in the precinct, carrying a grocery bag. Ryan and Esposito gave him a weird look, but quickly returned to what they were doing. He passed the bag to Beckett. Castle had bought her tampons and a few bags of chocolate. Beckett quickly made her way to the bathroom to use the needed menstrual products. When she returned, she filled the bowl on her desk with M&Ms from Castle. Extremely grateful for him being so cool about the whole situation, Beckett promised to buy dinner for the two of them, after the case was over.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2019 ⏰

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