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A giant baguette walks into the room, Joshu's eyes light up, and you know your fate is sealed.
"Please, let me out of here," you say,"Don't eat me."
Joshu laughs and snaps his fingers, the bread goes over to you, and just when you think your being turned into lunch, it slaps you.
You suddenly see a zipper run down the giant loaf of bread, and the baguette starts to pull it down. It's none other than Bruno Bucciaratti, and he looks pissed.
"So you like watching the dub, huh?" He says, with malicious intent in his voice,"Do you know what we to do filthy dub watchers, we break them."
Joshu and Bruno get you out of the femur breaker and start punching, their fists digging into your chest and face. You push them off of you and start hopping away with the one leg you have left, but they aren't chasing you instead Joshu snaps his head back like a PEZ dispenser and launches your other leg at you. The mangled piece of flesh and bone hits you dead-on and you fall once again.
They close in on you, and start kicking. Their feet being driven into bone, and that same bone starts breaking. You have no energy left to scream, and you start accepting that this is how you die, all goes black...

Joshu uses the Femur BreakerWhere stories live. Discover now