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Patton's p.o.v

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep* .... *Click*

I woke up from a very relaxing dream, but it was all about Logan and I .....hmmm, wonder why?

Anyway I hop out of bed to see my lovely family...or friends but i.l.y is in family so that's what I go with.

Once I'm out of bed at 7:00am I expected to see everyone awake like usual or at least Logan awake.

But no one was here.....

I start to search all there bedroom.s only to find they were all gone! What happens to them? Were are they? I start to rapidly ask on my mind. Normally I'm not this anxious but everyone was just gone, so I checked my phone only to see it dead because my charging cord wasn't plugged in last night! So I restored to the only option I could thing of. I started to run around the house shouting there names.

*Jiggle* *Click* *squeak*

The sound of the door opening sifs through the air like a car in a race.
I ship my head around to face the door to see the tallest in the group that smaller oddly like vanilla, my favorite!

"Roman!" I scream
I sprinted towards him to pull him into a giant near hug while asking things that came out of my mouth to fast to understand. He stood there with both arms behind his back. Almost like he was hiding something.

I was curious but also didn't care at the moment. I calmed down enough to ask a simple question.

"Where is Everyone?"
He looked down at me nervously while still caught in my tight bear hug.

"They're somewhere...that uhh...isn't here!" He studderd and quickly ran out of my arms and into...MY ROOM?!

"Roman that's my room!" I yelled at him as calmly as I could while waiting for him to answer.
"...." But nothing. He didn't say a single word.

I was started to get a little more worried but I didn't want to push him so I just watched some TV on the couch in the living room. But I couldn't stop thinking about how word Roman was acting. And where everyone else was. But somehow my mind always driffted into thinking about Logan. Everytime I thought of him my face would get warmer but I don't know why. Maybe I'm getting sick? Or am I allergic to Logan?! Wait no I don't think that's possible, or is it?

Ugh! If Logan were here he would know. He knows everything, he's just a few inches shorter than Roman but almost a full fit taller than me! How is he so perfect!?

I feel my face getting warmer, so I touch my cheeks and feel nothing but warmth. I quickly get up to look in a mirror only to see my cheeks a light shade of red.

What is happening today?......

First time writing a fanfic, tell me how I did and what I could change.

Thank you for reading chapter one!

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