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Notes: I couldn't rob you of this content so here it is. Tbh I did my research and all but weddings r confusing and I still dk how they work lmaoo. I also don't really like this chapter bc I prefer a real plot as opposed to more meaningless fluff like this, but it's still nice. also I just. really wanted Eddie in a dress :')

The wedding took months to plan, as most weddings do. Richie had actually been down with driving to Vegas and getting married there the next day, and Eddie was half-on-board with the idea, but ultimately decided to have a real wedding.

Richie didn't have many preferences for the wedding, and he let Eddie have his way with pretty much everything, from the location down to the napkin color. Eddie was grateful for it- Richie would help him with decisions if it was needed, but otherwise he never argued with Eddie about wedding matters, and Eddie knew he was one hundred percent capable of bickering over every little thing.

So Richie decided to propose one idea and one idea only. Eddie kind of owed it to him, and if Eddie didn't agree, Richie would undoubtedly become more involved in the wedding planning for no apparent reason. He was great at acting passive-aggresive to annoy Eddie, and Eddie knew that.

Which was why Eddie simply gave a deep, deep sigh, putting his head down on the table for a few seconds before huffing "fine," when Richie had suggested that he wear a dress at the reception. Richie had expected some kind of pushback, maybe a "you have to do it, too" (which he would have agreed to), but no such pushback came, and Richie had grinned so fucking wide.

The two debated for a long time on whether or not they should try and invite the Losers. They both wanted to, but they weren't sure if they should. Plus, they only had the contact information of Mike, Bill, and Ben, and that was still only guesswork and public P.O. boxes. So they decided not to. Maybe one day The Losers Club would reunite again, but not at Richie and Eddie's wedding.

All of this finally culminated in April of 1999. It was the day of, and everything was going smoothly. Except Richie Tozier.

"I don't know if I can do it. I just- I feel like I'm going to faint." Richie was breathing heavily in his dressing room, feeling too hot and too cold and too much.

"You wouldn't be the first one, babe." Ally was patting his back as he sat, trying to steady himself.

The two had bonded quite a lot, perhaps because of Ally's similarities to Beverly, whom Richie had been best friends with in Derry. It was almost time, and Richie was freaking the fuck out.

"It's okay to be nervous. Just breathe, Richie, you know it'll turn out alright."

Meanwhile, in Eddie's dressing room, Dean was on his third shot.

"Dean, do not get drunk and ruin my wedding. I will literally gut you." Eddie glared, but he couldn't put his usual bite into his words. He was too happy.

"Alright, dude, I'll stop." Dean agreed, putting his shotglass down. "You look pretty sharp."

"I fucking hope so, it took me, like, two months to find and get this tux." Eddie grumbled, straightening the fabric.

It was white, with an elegant silver design on the lapel as well as a black dress shirt underneath and a silver tie with an interesting texture on it, topped off by some white dress shoes. Traditional, but with a spin on it. Richie was wearing something pretty much identical, just with the colors inverted, and Eddie was excited to finally see the two outfits together.

The wedding was at the botanical gardens a little ways outside of New York, themed around faded, pastel flowers. It was fairly simplistic, a little rustic, and definitely small, as neither Eddie nor Richie wanted a big ceremony. Richie wasn't still out to the public, but as he spent more and more time with Eddie, letting little things slip, most people found it pretty obvious that he was queer.

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