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Hello all! We back ✊👊😳

So first of all, this is a SEQUEL! The first book can be found on my account, it's called pop || reddie. I would recommend reading it first; you don't have to but obviously things from that book are referenced in this one.

Important shit:

I'm not sure when this will update. Just writin for fun :)

IT returns after at least a decade. This is just for the sake of the timeline and their ages, so like just suspend ur disbelief lmao.

Unimportant shit:

This has been in the works since early November, 2019. I'm so happy to finally have it finished omg

So yeah, there's angst in this series, but I still classify it as a fix-it fic. In other words, y'all are safe here. None of the Losers will die.

The timeline don't add up sis. Kinky Boots didn't exist in 1998. But fuck off now it does lmao

okay so. looking back in late 2020. i haven't been on wattpad in forever, but recently i've been thinking about these books and i have sumn to say. first of all, i don't like the writing lmao. but the main point is the smut. i'm an afab enby, i'm not a gay man. the fact that i was into writing smut between gay men, especially as it was only these overdone skinny white boy ships, is problematic, in my opinion. thus, i've removed the smut from all of my books. i'm sorry if you were looking forward to it, but i don't want to contribute to the problem of fetishizing gay men on the internet that is already so prevalent. thank you.

Okay I think that's it, enjoy!

serendipity {sequel to pop} || reddieWhere stories live. Discover now