Chapter 5

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(??? Pov)

Whoa.. where am I? Who am I?

I looked down at my hands, I had 4 and they were pitch black. I stood up to reveal I had two legs. I looked down at the rest of my body. I wore a skin tight black shirt that cut off right before the gem where my bellybutton was supposed to be and a red crop top with a star on it. I had black jean shorts with ankle high boots. I felt my face and felt that I had a gem in my eye as well.

I'm a fusion? Wait? Steven? Y/n? I looked around to see nobody else in the cell with me. I looked back at my hands and then hugged myself, I felt unstoppable. "Alright diamonds, here comes  Tibetan Black Quartz", I yelled as I pushed through the bars with a little struggle.

I pulled both Steven's and Y/n's weapons and combined them while I ran to the control center. They created a giant battle axe, the blades were pink while the handle was black. Perfect.

I finally found the control center and entered. "I will not let you split us up", I yelled. The diamonds looked towards us and they gasped.

"Steven you fused with this traitor?", Blue asked shocked. I glared at her.

"Y/n was only following his duty to protect her diamond", I growled. This wasn't right. They couldnt shatter Y/n.

"Steven I will not listen to this nonsense! Unfuse right now and let us handle this!", White hit her hand on her armrest.

"My name is TibeTan! And you will not split us up", I yelled gripping my axe. White shook her head.

"You are being so immature", She sighed. "Why do you do this to us?", She asked standing up.

"Because Steven loves Y/n!", I shouted. Suddenly I felt uneasy. The diamonds eyes widened. Not a second after I unfused.

"You love me?", Y/n asked getting up off the floor. He looked so suprised. I shouldn't have said that, what if he doesn't feel the same.

"Enough!", White yelled. "I will not let this continue any longer", she stomped towards us. I jumped in front of Y/n causing her to pause.

"I wont let you take him! You'll have to shatter me first", I screamed. White looked at me in shock. I could feel all eyes on me. Nobody said anything.

"Leave before I change my mind", White spoke sternly. I looked up at her and sighed in relief. I quickly grabbed Y/n by the hand and ran to the nearest escape pod. I pushed Y/n in and climbed inside as well. I then set the coordinates for earth.

"You love me?", Y/n asked again. I looked back to him. I felt the heat rise to my cheeks, I didnt know how to answer. He looked worried.

"Oh..okay. you just said that to break us free", He mumbled. His mood changed from worried to depressed. I was about to say something when the screen showed that we were landing.

When we entered the temple Pearl almost tackled me. I told everyone I was fine and that I was really tired and wanted to head to bed. Y/n when straight to his room without a word.


How can I be so stupid?! Of course he didnt mean it. I felt tears running down my face but I didnt wipe them away. I had just figured out that I like  Steven and he goes and says something like that and he doesnt mean it!

I took a deep breath and summoned one of my weapons. I need some time to think. I stabbed himself in the gut causing me to go inside my gem. I need some time alone.

(Steven's pov)

It was only a few hours after the diamond incident. I went over to the room door and saw that it was still stuck on Y/n's room. I went inside to see his gem laying on the floor. I hurried over to it and picked it up off the floor. Why is his gem just sitting here? Did something happen?

Is he okay? I could feel myself tearing up, nobody could get into his room unless he wanted them to. Did he do this to himself? If so why? Is it because I didnt answer him?

I quickly exited the room and headed up to my bed space. I quietly set Y/n's gem on one of my pillows. How long had he been like this? How long will he be like this?

I laid down next to him and waited for what seemed like hours. Still he hadn't reformed. For the next couple weeks he was still out of commission.

(Y/n's pov)

I decided it was finally time to come out. I reformed and looked around, nobody seemed to be at the temple. I looked around for Steven but he was no where to be seen. I walked back over to where I was to see a note. They had gone of vacation and would be back tomorrow.

I sighed at sat down on Steven's bed. What could I do while they were gone? I started to regret being gone for so long. What if Steven found someone else? What if he wanted nothing to do with me?

Groaning I laid back on the bed, that's went I caught a whiff of Steven's scent. He always smelled wonderful, like roses. Kind of funny how he does. I laid on my stomach and snuggled with some of Steven's pillows after covering myself in his blankets.

I always felt protected with Steven around, since he isnt here I felt vulnerable. I hid myself under his covers enjoying the comfortable bed. If only I could stay like this forever.

Only a few minutes after I got comfortable I heard the door open. Had somebody come back early? Shuffling and footsteps were all I could hear, then there was a sigh. The person started coming up the stairs and set something down that was pretty heavy. I acted asleep, I didnt know who it was.

Suddenly the blankets were lifted off me. I continued to pretend, I heard the person chuckle before laying the blanket back down on me. Was it Steven? I opened when eye slightly to see Steven with his back to me. He looked tired, more tired than normal.

He had dark circles under his eyes and he moved slowly as if he hadn't slept for days. I couldnt help but feel really bad for him. Steven then sat on the bed with another sigh and took his hair out of its ponytail, and then ran a hand through it. My heart ached again, what I would give to run my fingers through that hair.

I slowly sat up and crawled over to Steven, he didnt seem to notice. I then wrapped my arms around him from behind. He tensed up a bit suprise by my actions. Not soon after he relaxed and leaned into the hug. "How long have you been waiting?", He asked softly, he even sounded tired.

"Not long", I answered quietly. I rested my head on his back, he didnt seem to mind. He yawned, he needed to sleep. "Why dont you take a nap?", I suggested lifting my head up.

He shrugged. "Only if you take one with me", He responded. I couldnt help but feel heat rush to my cheeks.

"Uh.. okay", I muttered. He chuckled and laid down after taking off his sandals. I laid down next to him, a bit further away because I didnt want to make him uncomfortable. I faced away from him, I also didnt want him to see that I was blushing.

I had slept next to him before but this time felt different. I could feel my eyelids growing heavier. I felt a sudden movement and Steven was right next to me, his arms around my waist pulling me closer. My face grew even hotter. His face rested in my neck, what is this feeling in my stomach? I feel anxious and happy at the same time, I had never felt this way before.

"You smell nice", He mumbled. Do I? Could my face feel even hotter than before? Yes, apparently it could. My eyelids finally closed and I was welcomed with darkness.

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