🌹 Seventh Date 🌹

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A/N: It's unedited again and also written late at night haha quality content amiright


Upon seeing that the hosts weren't following him when Hanamura went home, he was all too relieved; perhaps the twins had taken his request into consideration and actually backed off. However, Hanamura's hopes and dreams were ultimately crushed as he narrowed his eyes at the note on his desk the next morning. The boy had received love letters before, but considering the recent events, he assumed that this was not the case.

Hanamura glanced around the room in search of the trouble-making teens and promptly frowned when they were nowhere in sight. He knew that they weren't good at hiding, so if he didn't see them, it probably meant they actually weren't around. Hanamura turned his attention back to the note and picked it up almost cautiously. To be honest, Hanamura was a little scared to read it—who knows what it was going to say, but obviously it couldn't have been good.

The cobalt-eyed teen sat down in his seat and mentally prepared himself for the worst. Although they seemed nice enough, Hanamura really didn't know anything about them; he didn't know their motives—in fact he didn't even know some of their names. The third year tried to calm himself down, though. Haruhi was in the same boat as him, being a fellow commoner and all, and Honey didn't seem like to type to hurt people. The others seemed okay too, so maybe Hanamura was just being paranoid.

They have been stalking me, though... Hanamura reminded himself, slightly grimacing at the thought.

The grey-haired male took in a breath, dismissing his thoughts and unraveling the poorly folded letter with as much confidence as he could muster. As his eyes scanned over the words, Hanamura could feel his stomach drop at the—what he presumed to be—threat.

Hanamura Hitoshi,

Meet us in Music Room 3 after school.

We will be waiting for you.

Perhaps Hanamura was simply overthinking their words—he was probably just misinterpreting them. However, no matter how he tried to convince himself that it was a pure, innocent request, he only became more convinced that they were out to get him upon remembering that the music room in question was supposedly abandoned. Oh God, Hanamura inwardly panicked, they're not gonna beat me up, are they?


Hanamura believed he was a relatively nice person. Sure, he's pissed people off and gotten into fights before in the past, but it was more so self-defense and guarding than anything. Now, Hanamura could admit that sometimes he could come off as harsh when he told people off. If he scolded you, it was because you were probably actually being a butt, but it's not like he had ill will or anything, so as he awkwardly stood outside of the music room three doors, he was fully prepared to apologize for what he said—whatever it was that offended them.

The honor student sighed, all too tired to be dealing with this. Deep down, there was still some form of fear, as he didn't exactly know what they were capable of or what they wanted, but ultimately, after a full school day of thinking it over, Hanamura could safely say that they probably weren't going to beat him up—maybe. He was still a little iffy on the tall, stoic raven-haired boy, but seeing as he was always around Honey, Hanamura figured that he was probably fine. The grey-haired teen wasn't usually one to jump to conclusions based on appearance, anyway.

If anything, the worst they could do was get him expelled for whatever reason, and to be honest, Hanamura wouldn't have cared too much if they did. More time to work, in his opinion. And so, mustering up his courage, the third year opened the doors, having to spit out rose petals that flew at him from nowhere. Immediately after the flowers, a round of confetti was sprinkling around the room, along with the sound of party horns, cheering, and clapping.

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