Splashes Of Color - part 1

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Do you know what it's like to give up?

To lose track of time?

To resign yourself to a quiet, slow, death?

To know your family has forsaken you?

To know you are alone?

And then

be proven


To accept your fate to die in chains, losing yourself ever so slowly at the hands of your enemy?

Hermes felt so far away from everything real. His consciousness felt like a balloon above his head, tethered to his form by only the thinnest string. Close yet out of reach.

There was a small part of him aware of people nearby.

Of faces.

Of colors.

A difference in the gray scene that had swallowed him whole. In the blank dull room he had found to be his prison for so long now.

But he didn't react.

He couldn't react if he wanted to.

Reality was far and between. Spread thin.

One of the figures seemed desperate. The other seemed shocked.

It was almost like an electric shock when the desperate one touched his shoulder. Words spilling from their lips.

The words floated into the air, buzzing like bees.

Words as meaningless and important as the flitting thoughts of a fading deity.

Things seemed staticky. Fuzzy.

“Hermes.” His name cut through his delirium, through the fuzzy silence. 

The sound was followed by a terrible mind-consuming ringing that only seemed to get louder as words floated and spun closer.

Was any of this real?

The ringing ebbed away as words floated around him, meaningless and far away.

The constant pressure on his wrists that hadn't changed in.. some long unit of time, changed.

Reality crashed down on him like a tidal wave and he jerked his wrists away.

The ringing was back. Fog creeping into his mind. Washing out and obscuring any thoughts he may have had.

The shackles got tighter and the balloon popped. He found Himself back in his form.

White static buzzed around his brain. Fog threatening to fuzz everything out again.

Hunger ran through his form, once again aware of everything wrong. Ichor was pounding in his ears and bits and pieces of him screaming and screaming and he didn't want to wake up.

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