Pastels At Night - Part 1

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As the car drive stretched on, the pounding just behind Hermes's eyes only got worse.
The unending feeling of absolute weakness got worse .
Thoughts and prayers could only sustain Him for so long.
His head rested on Apollo's shoulder.

He was curled up against Apollo, his brother , so close he could feel Apollo's steady heartbeat.
And he felt safe.

That was a big plus.
Apollo rubbed slow circles in his back. They had been quiet ever since Hermes's tears seemed to dry.
There was a girl in the passenger seat, and they were being driven by someone's face he couldn't see.
But he didn't care.

He couldn’t bring himself to care. He was too tired.
All he cared was that Apollo saved him.

That's all he could care about.

If he cared too much about anything else, say the state his domains must be in, or George and Martha, anything really. He knew the anxiety would make him sick.

So he chose not to care. To focus on himself.

He was too damn tired to care anyway.

He just wanted to sleep and he just wanted Apollo .
His family saved him. He could hardly believe it. He could hardly comprehend it.

His brother saved him.

He was so sure. So sure they had forsaken him. That his family wasn't coming.

After 4,284 years they finally gave up on him. He had accepted the inevitable.

He was so certain of it.

Yet he had been wrong.

Because Apollo came, proving his fears wrong and proving he was loved.

Even mortal. Even weak. He came. He came when no one else did.

Even though it posed him a danger, even though he could have died, he came and he rescued him.

He cared. Hermes knew he did. After all, why would he be hugging him, holding him if he didn't care?

He cared.

Apollo cared.

Apollo loved him.

Apollo was here and holding him and comforting him and Hermes felt safe.

Even so, Hermes was hungry Starving Famished .

With every passing moment, he grew more and more aware of this.

But he didn't want to move, though. He didn't want to break the silence. He didn't want to pull away from Apollo. He most certainly didn't want to lose this feeling of absolute safety.
But the alarm bells in his head were beginning to ring again. Even louder than before now that he was aware of what was happening.

They were telling him to eat. Screaming at him that he had to eat something. Anything at all.

Hermes knew from experience mortal food only made things worse. Mortal food wasn't enough to sustain a deity for more than a moment.

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