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(Kenna's POV)

I placed the last of the cardboard boxes on the hardwood floor and took a deep breath as I looked around my new apartment. It felt good to have my own place in New York, just five minutes from NYU. Class started in three days and life had never felt more right. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I reached for it, hurriedly.


"Kenna, honey! How's the unpacking coming?" My mom beamed through the phone.

She and my dad were still in Arkansas. My dad was offered another year contract there to continue to build the economy, though he turned it down and was now working with a committee to save family land that was forced to sell. He was basically now working to keep the town small. I was so proud of him and my mom. They had become small town folks and were much happier in Arkansas.

"Unpacking is such a chore, but I have good help!" I smiled as Stacey walked through the front door with an arm load of groceries.

"Of course you do! Well have a great first day, sweetie! We love you and we'll see you for Thanksgiving!" Mom hung up the phone and I slipped my phone back into my pocket.

"Thank you for the groceries, Stace! I wouldn't have time to breathe if you hadn't been helping me through all of this!" I slipped onto the kitchen barstool, pulling a banana out of the grocery sack.

"You know it's not a problem." She rolled her eyes at my dramatic generosity.

"I mean it! With Shawn at the new garage, there's no way I'd be able to get all of mine and his things unpacked by Monday. You are my life saver!" I poked my lip out in thanks and she tossed me a napkin.

"You have banana everywhere. Now clean yourself up and let's tackle this box, next!" She hesitated as she opened the box.

"Nevermind. That's Shawn's underwear. You can do that one on your own." She made a disgusted face and moved on to the next box.

I giggled and joined her, feeling right at home in the new apartment.

(Shawn's POV)

I went over the morning tasks with the new mechanics. It was only the first month of being open and the place was booming. I couldn't keep the place stocked with enough parts, or enough employees for that matter. We were so busy, we needed more of everything. I sighed as I dismissed the guys and turned to look at the order list of the morning. After studying it for a moment and hearing the phone ring, I realized just how tired I was.

Opening a new shop here in New York was everything I'd never imagined. I never thought I'd move back to the city or have much of a relationship with my mom, my sister, or even Kenna. But here I was in the the middle of the city, owning a business, meeting my family for brunches, and moving in with the girl of my dreams. This new business was overwhelming, but I wouldn't have traded it for anything. I could feel my dad's pride every morning that I switched on the "OPEN" sign.

Just as I answered the busy phone, I felt two arms slip around my waist from behind. I knew immediately that Kenna must've taken a break from unpacking. I wrapped my hand around hers without turning around.

"Louis! How's everything going?"

Kenna wiggled in front of me to sit on my desk as I took the call. Louis had taken over the old shop back in Arkansas. Bart still hung around but Louis made all the major decisions now.

"Great, Shawn, just great! Business is good, dad is good, Ellie is wonderful. I think I'm in love, man. The only thing missing is you! Everyone is always asking about you two. When are you coming back for a visit?"

"We're not scheduled to visit anytime soon, mate. Maybe we can work something out, though! Kenna and I would love to catch up with you and Ellie. You know... I do have an opening for a new mechanic..." I joked.

"Shawn, you know I am the farthest thing from a city boy. Don't make me laugh."

"Yeah, just a shot though." I returned the laugh as we wrapped up the phone call and said our goodbyes.

"How are they?" Kenna asked as I interrupted her for a kiss.

"Fine as ever." I mumbled, pulling her into me for more.

"Shawn, be professional!" She jokingly scolded me before reaching for another kiss.

It felt so good to be with her. I couldn't get enough. I would never be more thankful that we'd found each other and decided to fight for each other.

"Are you working late today?" Kenna grunted as I kissed her neck.

"Not if this is what's waiting for me at the apartment." I grinned as I pulled away.

"You are such a tease." She pouted as she hopped down off of my desk.

"Don't forget we have dinner with your Mom and Sister, tonight." She reminded me.

"I almost forgot." I leaned back into a chair. "How far did you get on packing?"

"Hmmm I got two boxes in and decided I needed to see you." She smirked and I couldn't help but grin.

Kenna had all of my heart. She kissed me again in such away that I knew I held all of hers too.

"Let's go for a drive." She pleaded.

"I'm in need of a long dirt road every now and again. Arkansas will do that to ya." She laughed and pulled my hand as I followed her outside to the parking lot.

I opened the passenger door of that cherry red, white racing striped vintage sports car and helped her inside. I climbed into the driver's seat and kissed her again. I felt a little velvet box shift in my pocket and knew that this dirt road we were about to drive down would be one that I would never want to get off.

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