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Lily's POV

I woke up to the soft snores coming from someone beside me, just by the sound I could tell it was Zach. I smile just by thought of him. I get up and walk down stairs, I begin to cook some bacon and eggs for everyone. Yes, there was a lot. I looked and the last piece of food was ready, I pulled it off the pan and put it on the big plate, along with the plate of eggs and plate of sausages. Oh and we can't forget the heated spaghetti in the saucepan!

"Wow! Lily, you can cook?" I heard a little feminine voice say, I turn around and see little Reese walking towards me.

"Yep, and you can be the first to taste it today!". She let out a big smile while clapping her hands. I place a plate in front of her, and she begins to eat. She doesn't stop she just goes and goes. Then, Myta began to walk down the stairs.

"What are you eating Reese?" She asked.

"Lily made breakfast".

"Spit it out, baby".

"What? Why?"

"Who knows what's in it!" Myta says, I broke me.

"Are you serious?".

"What?" She says in a very rude tone.

"You just told Reese not to eat my food, what is it poisoned or something?"

"Most likely".

"Well for your information, it's not. I'd never do such thing. I love Zach too much to do that to his family. What do you even not like about me? I've tried so hard, you barley even know me. I just wanted a chance, but no because you insecure and an obnoxious woman". I hear loud thumps come from the stairs again. Who could it be this time?

"Wow, Lily. Calm down. I can't believe you just spoke to my mother like that" Zach's stated. I can't believe him, I look at Myta and of course she has a smug look on her face.

"Are you serious Babe? You don't even know?" I can't bare it, I walk out the door slamming it behind me. I continue to walk to the garden.

Reese's POV

Mummy walked back upstairs.


"What Reese?"

"It wasn't Lily's fault. I don't want to be mean to mummy, but mummy was mean it Lily". Zach's face dropped. He took off out the door, I think he's going to Lily.

Lily's POV

I was sitting on a bench crying, I'm suppose to be having fun, but instead it's just gone to shit. I saw Zach walking my way in the distance. I can't believe this jerk. I stood up to walk away when he said something.

"No, Lily. Please just sit down" I rolled my eyes and sat back down.

"You have 5 minutes Zachary".


"What? It is your name isn't it?".

"Yeah, it's just you haven't called me that in ages".

"Well, then get used to it. You have 4 and 1/2 minutes so I'd get talking if I was you".

"Look I'm sorry. I only heard when you were yelling at my mother. I heard you call her an insecure and obnoxious woman and I've never heard anyone say that. I guess, no-ones ever stood up to my mother like that before. When you stormed off outside, Reese told me that it was Mum who was mean and not you. Look I'm so sorry, please forgive me". I can't believe Reese did that! For someone she only met yesterday. I stay silent for a while thinking about if I should say yes or no. I love Zach with all my heart, it's only something little, I can't let that break us.

"Of course I can forgive you. I'm one condition though".

"Yeah! What it is?".

"You can never accuse me like that ever again, you have no clue what she did to make me pissed".

"Ok, what did she say?". I don't want to tell him, I don't want to ruin the relationship between her a Zach.

"Nothing" that's it, that's all I say... nothing.

"It's obviously someone babe, tell me" I say nothing. "Tell me". "TELL ME!" By now he was really annoying me.

"She accused me of trying to poison Reese!" I yell. He stays quiet in disbelief.

"Are you serious?" Is all he can say.

"No Zach, I'm joking. Of course I'm being serious".

"Fuck me!" He yells and I. And tell he was angry. I wanted to say 'gladly' so bad, but it wasn't the right moment. Maybe another time. I yawn, a really big yawn. I didn't get much sleep maybe, I don't know. I open my eyes and see nobody is present, only me. Wheee did Zach go? What the hell? Oh no! Don't tell me. Don't tell me he went to accuse Myta!

Zach's POV

I can't believe she said that to my girlfriend. I'll give her one chance, one chance only. I stormed up the staircase and entered her room. I knocked on the door of course.

"Hey Mum".

"Hey Son".

"Can we talk?".

"Of course, what about?".

"My girlfriend".

"How can you call her your girlfriend? She's a-".

"Don't even finish that sentence, she is my girlfriend, the love of my life". All she did was scroff. This rude lady. "What did you tell her, for Lily to go off at you this morning? Be honest with me because I know". She said nothing she stayed quiet. "What did you tell her?" I yell.

"I told her that she probably poisoned the food, that Reese was eating".

"And why?".

"You know me Zach, I am like this with all your girlfriends".

"Not like this, why her?".

"Because, we barely know her, neither do you, you barely know her yourself".

"I know her enough to know she wouldn't do that to you. She loves me and I love her. Don't ruin this for me". I got up and stormed out of the room. I walked back downstairs and saw mostly everyone standing there looking at me. They were all in shock. Lily was looking at me, I could read her mind, so easy. I could tell she was saying "you didn't have to do that" but I had to, it's what's right. Everyone was still looking at me, I had to change the mood.

"WHOS READY FOR DAY 1 MY PEOPLE" I yell and everyone cheers and joins in on chanting "Day 1, Day 1, Day 1".

You're What? // Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now