School shopping and a new development

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----------------------time skip---------------------
Onyx's p.o.v

Arthur had divorced Molly and revealed his true mates ahd children. Fabian, Gideon and Arthur all moved into the manor with us and Bill and Charlie both have rooms there but still currently work in Egypt and Romania.

A few days later we decided to return to Diagon Alley so we could buy our school supplies for the upcoming year at Hogwarts. So Mamma, Dad, Draco, Nathan and my mates and I all flooed to Diagon Alley with father, Bellatrix, Rabastan and Radolphus all staying at the manor to not cause suspicion.

We completed our shopping pretty quickly as we already had the majority of the required potions ingredients and equipment as well as a good amount of quills and parchment so we only needed books and new robes and trunks for Nathan, my mates and I.

After we bought all the required books and our trunks we went to Madam Malkins to get robes and when Mamma discovered that the twins, Nathan and I had very few clothes he decided to buy us all a new wardrobe of silk shirts, t-shirts, jeans, dress pants, suits, pyjamas, everyday robes and formal robes as well as our Hogwarts robes.

"Thank you mamma I've never had so many clothes before" I said looking in awe at the amount of clothing we had. "I hate those Dursleys even more every time you say things like that" mamma said sadly. "It's ok mamma I'm safe now" I said smiling and hugging him.

We then were about to leave Diagon when Draco and Nate suddenly froze and started to sniff the air. "Erm guys what's wrong" Fred asked confused. It was then I noticed they were both looking in the same direction. Straight at Luna Lovegood who was walking down the alley with her father. "Mate" Nate and Draco said in sync.

"What how?" George asked. "Yea you two are already mates and she's not on your birth certificates" Fred added.
By now Draco and Nate had already got to Luna and were wrapped around her very confused self.

"Seems like another trip to Gringotts is needed" Dad said. "Excuse me but why are they doing this?" Xenophilius asked. "They're mates would you care to accompany us to Gringots to find out what has happened" mamma said his pureblood mask firmly in place. Xenophilius agreed and together we all traveled to the wizarding bank.

Once we arrived at the bank and had been escorted to a private room, Griphook began the process of working out what had happened. "Please place 3 drops of blood into the parchment Miss Lovegood" Griphook said. Luna did as she was asked to and we all crowded around to see the results

Birth Certificate- Luna Lovegood

Mother- Pandora Lovegood

Father- Xenophilius Lovegood

Godfather- Sirius Black

Godmother- Dorcas Meadows

Creature inheritance-

Creature- Fae (Submissive) (100% blocked)

Mates- Draco Lucius Malfoy-Snape- Gaunt (Neko Dominant)
Nathan Black-Lestrange (Veela Submissive)

"Griphook could you please remove the blocks from my mate immediately" Draco said angrily while holding both his subs protectively in his lap. "Of course Mister Malfoy you will have to let her go to allow me to do so however" he said. Draco reluctantly let Luna go and she and Griphook entered the cleansing room.

Draco's p.o.v

I waited impatiently for my third mate to emerge from the cleansing room. I was so angry I didn't realise I was growling lowly until Nate buried his face in my neck and whispered "You do know you're scaring your brother by growling. It's ok don't worry Luna will be ok she's with us now" I quickly snapped my head up and stopped growling. "Sorry Nyx I didn't mean to scare you" I said softly to my twin who was slightly shivering in his mates lap. "It's ok Dray I'm just a bit on edge still" he said shakily.

After what seemed like days but was probably only a couple of hours our quiet conversation was interrupted by the doors opening and my beautiful second mate walking slowly out of the cleansing room. I jumped up holding Nate in my arms and ran over to her and gathered them both in my wings. She looked up at me with her beautiful sky blue eyes and I noticed her ears had become pointed and a lot longer. "Hi" she said shyly before burying her face into my chest. I smiled and wrapped my wings closer around both my beautiful, perfect mates.

"Ok now that this is all sorted can we please go home I want to cuddle with my mates and sleep" Nyx said dramatically flopping in his mates arms. "Yes drama queen we can go home now" I said laughing.

So we apparated home and got Xenophilius set up in a room at the manor and Luna in mine and Nate's rooms and then I fell asleep with my two perfect submissives in my arms.


Hiya ppl.
Sorry I took literally over a year to update a lot of stuff happened bit rn I have nothing better to do than update so hopefully I should have a few updates up soon.
The idea for Luna to be Draco and Nate's mate is from Lunareclipse142
So all credit to her cos I love that idea
Bai guys.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2020 ⏰

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