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Deana stared at the castle. Chess floated beside her. Alice and the Hatter had linked arms, and the White Queen was with the White Rabbit, Mally and Ant.
"It's so big!" exclaimed Deana, running towards it. The White Queen smiled.
"She's so sweet, Alice, and she fits in very well. I am glad that you bought her here."
"Thank you Your Majesty," said Alice.
"Please. Call me Mirana," said the White Queen. Alice nodded. She watched Ant catch up with Deana.
"It's great, isn't it?" said Ant. Deana nodded enthusiastically, then waited for the others to come.
Mirana opened the door. They were escorted by the servants to the main hall. Deana's eyes went wide with wonder. "Snow," she mumbled.
"Yes. It does look a lot like snow, doesn't it?" Alice was beside her. She nodded and smiled absent-mindedly. Then, the seven friends were all escorted to their rooms. When the servants had left, Alice crept out onto the hallway and went to Deana's room. She found her patient staring out the window.
"Miss Alice, will you and the Hatter be together?" asked Deana. Alice wondered how she noticed her presence, then remembered her visions.
"Um...I'm not sure," Alice said. Deana's look was so hopeful, so sweet and innocent. But Alice held her confession back.
"I don't know, Deana," she sighed, looking out of the window. She thought about the Hatter. His abnormal green eyes were beautiful in her view, and he really did have a lot in common with her. Perhaps I should confess, Alice thought. After all, he would understand...right?
Deana suddenly started jumping up and down."Snow!" she squealed. She ran out of the castle.
Alice shook her head quickly and saw that snow blanketed the ground, the moon's silvery light shining on it, making it sparkle. She smiled and walked out the castle. Ant was already with Deana, and the Cheshire Cat was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, she felt two strong arms wrap around her waist. "Hatter!" Alice squeaked, spinning round to face him. The Hatter grinned. "Sorry lass," he said. "I wanted ta surprise ya." Alice giggled at this and smiled at him. "Should we go riding?" she asked. "If you would like, Alice," The Hatter said. Alice nodded eagerly and mounted her horse. The Hatter mounted one of the other horses and grinned once more at her. "Here we go!" Alice said, and they rode off into the snowy land.

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