Chapter 1:

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My name is Brinley AnnaBelle Holt, and I am 17, and I'm a senior in highschool. My birthday is August 7. I am moving to Forks, Washington. My mom, dad, and I used to live in Los Angeles, California. I know what you are thinking. Who in their right mind would leave LA? Well we did. My mom got a job in Port Angeles, WA. She didn't want to live in a big city, so she found a small town for us to live in. My mom decides to stay in the city during the week and she calls us everyday to see how we are, and we stay in our house in town. My parents bought me a silver RAV4 hybrid for my birthday. I love my car. It is so quiet. I need to finish unpaking so I can get enough sleep for school tomorrow.

I hear my alarm ringing and I groan because I want to sleep for another four hours minimum. Well, it's Friday, so there's that to be happy about. I finally get out of bed 15 minutes later and I go to my closet and since it is October, I grab a pair of skinny jeans, knee-high brown boots, and a cream colored sweater with a brown scarf. I hop into the shower and get dressed. I then dry my dark brown curls that reach to my butt and leave it how it is, and then I do my makeup, I do a warm smokey eye and some mascara on my thick lashes. I then grab my bag and head downstairs and make some brekfast. Dad has gone to work already, at the hospital. He is the new doctor there. I make some eggs with bacon and a slice of toast. I eat that and I see that it is 7:10, and I hop into my car and drive to school. I park my car close to the school and I get out nd grab my bag and go to the office to get my schedule. I walk into the office and say, "My name is Brinley Holt. I'm here for my schedule."

The receptionist says, "Hello, Miss Brinley. I will get you your schedule." She roots around the pile of papers on her desk and then after a few minutes she finds my schedule and gets me a map of the school. She says, "Here you are. your schedule is on top, followed by the map, and on the bottom there is a paper that your teachers need to sign. That paper needs to be returned to me at the end of the day if possible. I hope you find everything okay. Have a good day, honey."

I say, "I hopw you have a nice day as well Mrs. Miller."

She says smiling, "Thank you dear. Run along now. You don't wanna be late for class."

I smile at her. She's nice. I start to look at my schedule and then I walk right into somebody and my papers fall to the floor. I look at the woman who I bumped into, she's an average height, very pretty, and has golden eyes and blonde hair. Everybody stops what their doing and just watches us. I gasp and say, "I'm so sorry. I was trying to figure out where to go. It's my first day."

She takes a look at me and smiles kindly, and I hear ome gasps. I guess she doesn't smile often. She says, "Don't worry. I'm Rosalie Hale."

I nervously say, "I'm Brinley Holt."

She smiles wider and says, "What class do you need to find?"

I smile brightly back at her and say, "I need to find room 314 with Mr. Rogers. I have AP Trig."

Rosalie says, "I'm going there myself. We can walk together. Let me see your schedule."

I quickly hand over my schedule and thank Rosalie in my mind profusely. I probably never would have found it ever and it's a bonus she's going there as well. I take a minute to look around the school, the walls definitely need some paint, but this is my home now, and it is definitely not as hot as California could be at times. I actually love the rain and misty fog. It adds character to the small town. In the big city there's a lot of self-centered people who don't bother to get to know who lives next to them, below them, or even above them. It's also about how much money you make and sometimes how you make it, or even just who you are. I hear the warning bell and Rosalie grabs my arm and pulls me into the direction of the classroom and says, "You basically have the same schedule as me. We have lunch together also."

I say, "That's great. You can be like a tour guide. I used to do that at my old school. Any new student who would come I would show them the ropes of Los Angeles High School."

Rosalie says, "That's nice of you."

I say, "I thought it was too. But I was always taken advantage of while doing so. All the new guys and even the ones who ldready new the school would ask me to show them around and then watch my ass as they walked behind me. If some one asked to be shown around they said I couldn't say no."

Rosalie gasps, "That's horrible."

I say, "That's not even the worst part. I was showing someone around and my boyfriend at the time, Ryan. I heard my boyfriend moan my best friends' name in a janitor closet and when I opened it up, I saw them having sex. He didn't even stop. I ran away and they both tried to talk to me after that. I was so humiliated by that and they didn't care. My boyfriend told me it was my fault that he had cheated because I didn't have sex with him and he found some one that did. My supposed best friend, Bailey, said that she liked him first and if that was the only way she could have that she would do it with him. I can positively tell you that they are dating and they don't and probably didn't give a damn about me at all."

Rosalie hugs me and says, "I'm sorry that you had to go through that."

I hug her back and say, "Thank you, Rosie."

We walk into class and I walk over to the teacher and get him to sign my paper and he makes me sit by Rosalie. Thank god. These boys are pervs. I whisper, "Rose, these boys are pervs."

She says, "I know, they are going to be hitting on you like crazy."

We just take notes the rest of the period and chat quietly. The bell rings and some tall guy with a okayish looking face comes over and says, "I'm Blake. Would you like to go on a date with me?"

I sassily say, "What's my name?"

Blake opens and closes his mouth. I say, "What made you think you can ask a girl out when she has only been in this school an hour? You don't know me nor my name."

Blake just walks away from me and I smirk and Rose says, "Good job Girl."

I say, "Thank you. He probably only wanted to get into my pants."

Rosalie says, "Most likely."

We laugh and we walk off down the hallway and go to our next class. I'm ready to go home and binge watch Netflix. I like watching Brennan and Booth. They deny their chemistry but in the end they succumb to it and create a family. I take notes in english and chemistry and then it's time for lunch. Rose and I walk together and I ask her, "How many siblings do you have? It's just me in my family."

Rose smiles and says, "Well, all of my siblings are adopted. Jasper and I are twins. Edward and Alice are siblings, and Emmet and Chase are brothers. C'mon. You are going to meet them."

I suddenly get nervous and say, "What if they don't like me?"

Rose says, "Shut up. They will love you."

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