The Bra¢el€t 18

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We come to a stop in a parking lot at South lake Mall. I look over to my mother as she just grinned back at me and I beamed. We both practically jumped out of the car as she grabbed her big silver purse from the back seat and grabbed my hand as we walked quickly with big smiles on our faces. Today is what we call a bad ass day with mother and daughter.

We walk into the cold air-conditioned mall as we pass a big group of teenage girls giggling they're hearts away. I groan in unison with my mom as they girls stop giggling to give us death glares as we just snickered walking along. "Ah-mum-gee!" I pointed to a store and squealed dramatically, "It's Hot Topic!" I clapped my hands together and I jumped up and down in a dramatic way while mother just shook her head laughing.

"Oh yea, Martha don't you have a Halloween Bash Dance later this week?" I look at her startled. When did she figure this out I never told her! I was just going to ditch it anyways or just do the same thing every year, turn into a vampire. "Uh yea.." I trailed off as she looked at me her eyes gleaming. "Don't you have a date yet sweetie?"

Oi, I knew this would come soon. I'm at the perfect age to talk about boys with my mother. I walk quickly into Hot Topic with my head down with my cheeks flaming red. I look up to see a grinning employee looking at me. "Hey sweetie, you looking for something good for Halloween?" She raised her eyebrows while smiling and walking towards me.

"Uh, yes, I'm looking for something to wear to a Halloween dance." I glance at her with a little bit of playfulness in my voice as I mentally grinned.

"Oh sweetie, I got the perfect outfit for you. Follow me."

"That'll be $178.50, ma'am." My mother handed him two one hundred dollar bills and got $21.50 cents in return. I grabbed the black bag that had Hot Topic's name written in white dripping with paint as I beamed in excitement.

She paid for my clothes as I paid for my other things.  "And that'll be $19.50 cents, miss." I handed him a $20 as he gave me back 2 quarters in return. He winked at me and I blushed a little. He had a lip pierce on the right bottom side of his faint pink lips. His hair was long and in a ponytail as the black hair gleamed in the dim light. His eyes colors we're piercing red I actually thought he was like me for a second but they must've been for show, they were contacts.

He actually looked like my age but he must've been in college. I walked out of Hot Topic with my mom and both of my arms dangling with one bag on each side slung on them. I actually got excited for that employee really did pick out the perfect outfit for me. Of course I thanked her before we left as we walked down the mall to the food court.

I went to go grab us a table as mother waited in the Dairy Queen line for two Oreo Blizzards, a Bacon Cheese Grill burger, Chicken Wrap, and two root beers. I found the perfect table that sort of looked like a booth and the mix of a table. I sat down and put down my bags next to me as I crossed my arms on the table and put my head down on them with a small smile appearing on my face as I look at my mother in admiration.

Sure, she's a criminal. And sure, she is always mugging people with a ski-mask on and a voice thingy that changes your voice. And sure, she robbed a bank before, that's how she paid for my stuff by the way. But still, I admire her for trying her best to keep her kids under a roof and with food in their bellies.

I mean the only way this all happened when she became a criminal is because back when I was about 4 we were in living in California. Our dad was a alcoholic back then and mother was a wife that was abused when he lost his small jobs like from a coffee shop or salesman and all that.

We lost our house in California after countless times of not paying the bill. Mother had Lea and Kaleb growing in her belly and it was just a slight bump when that night happened.

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