🔥Your Bully🔥

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Name: Aaron Cohen

Age: 19

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Position: Total seme

Personality: He's basically a tsundere: rude and mean to you until you're really close. Then he'll be extremely sweet to you, craving your touch and your affection. He'll tease you and make fun of you, but he would never stoop so low as to actually hurt you. That's something he knows he could never do.



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Likes: You, sports, video games, teasing you, making you smile, your affection

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Likes: You, sports, video games, teasing you, making you smile, your affection

Dislikes: Girls that think he's hot, guys that think you're hot, your tears, you hating him, his family

Relationship status: Single

Other/Things you need to know: He doesn't actually hate you as much as you think he does. He adores you and just doesn't know how to say it.

Scenario 1: You were having a terrible day at school. You just found out that your grandmother had passed away and then you completely failed your test and now some of Aaron's friends decided to pick on you and destroy your self esteem even more. So here you were, crying in an empty classroom during lunch. It was outrageous how bad today had been. As you heard the door slowly, you tried to wipe away all the tears, but you couldn't help them from still falling. "Hey, (Y/N)." You glanced up and saw Aaron standing there, gazing at you sadly,"It was a real dick move.. my friends... uhm.. insulting you today. I heard what happened to your grandma and I heard what happened in your math class. I'm sorry." He sat next to you,"I know that I've been.. Awful to you, but right now.. you can trust me when I say that I'm here for you." You...

Scenario 2: You were bullied. I mean, yeah, obviously. You were beautiful/handsome, smart, nice- all the marks of a good victim. So Aaron would tease you for what you wore and what you did and how good your grades were. He didn't bother you as much as the other kids did, though. It got to a point where kids would beat you up if you didn't give them answers to assignments and if you didn't do their essays. But that only happened a few times before you learned. Until, one day you left the other kids' work at home. You came to school and everything was normal until lunch. A few boys came up to you. "You got it done, (Y/N)." You sigh and pulled a folder out from you bag, looking through it for their stuff. Your heart sank. One kid took notice of this. "Hey.. where's our shit?" He growled. After another minute of looking you were shaking in fear, explaining you must have left it at home. Obviously they wanted to beat you up, but not before Aaron swung by and beat them up as soon as they raised a hand. You closed your eyes as you heard grunts and slams and curses and threats coming from the group in front of you. "You can open your eyes now." You heard Aaron say. Opening your eyes, you saw all of the boys laying on the ground. Aaron stood over them, his lip bleeding and his shoulders shaking. You...

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