✨Best Friend✨

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Name: Dominic (goes by Dom) Harris

Age: 22

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pan

Position: big Seke

Personality: he's actually a really sweet and outgoing. He doesn't video his pretty obvious crush from you, just laughing it out and making little jokes towards you. He's a softer Yandere and would almost never think of kidnapping you. He just wants you to love him and be happy.



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Likes: You, flowers, dogs, most animals, colors, making people laugh/smile, flirting with you, being with you, dancing

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Likes: You, flowers, dogs, most animals, colors, making people laugh/smile, flirting with you, being with you, dancing

Dislikes: Pain, silence, awkwardness, the dark, storms, being alone

Relationship status: Single, of course

Other/Things I need to know: You've been friends for a few years and have grown pretty close.

Scenario 1: You'd been really lonely lately, what with having school/work on your ass all the time. You decided that finding a partner might help you feel a little less alone. So you made a Tinder account while you were hanging out with Dom, him helping you take pictures and put things under your profile. After you had finished, he took your phone with a chuckle. "Why do you need to go looking for guys? I'm right here, baby!" He teased, kissing your hand with a wink,"I'd be a great boyfriend, y'know!" You..

Scenario 2: Make it up! Don't be afraid!

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