Chapter 12- Asleep

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This chapter was brought to you by: Me!


I just want to say that, even though these author's notes may be annoying, they really benefit you. Please make an effort to read every note so you can be informed about me and my situations. These could deeply effect your reading..... ;)

Shout out to esme101mar for her brilliant ideas. Really guys, she inspires me. <3


Chapter 12-

Ivy's POV

"Why didn't you have your phone on you?" Josh asked as my vocal cords released their control on me. I have no idea how long I had been screaming, but I do know that I had no more strength in me to talk.

"Leave her alone," mom said. Her eyes were swollen and her whole face was red from crying. How she loves Mallory. He is practically her younger son. Does she know we're dating? Josh sighed and plopped down on the love seat.

Mallory was in a car accident? Mallory. Was. In. A. Car. Accident. How?

"When?" I croaked.

"Half an hour ago. Not too far from here," Josh informed. I hated how he was so monotone about it. I hated how I wasn't crying my eyes out. Most of all, I hated myself for not being there...

It seemed like years has passed as I waited for someone to say something, anything. What did I do? This is my fault, completely my fault. If I hadn't been so crabby with Josh, we wouldn't have gone outside. If we didn't go outside, the dog wouldn't have scared Mallory off. If Mallory hadn't left, he wouldn't have gotten in an accident.

He wouldn't have gotten in an accident.

"Mom?" I asked quietly.

"Yes, sweetie?"

"Can we go see him?" I knew she would say yes.

"No. Not yet. He is in the operating room right now. He... He was in rough shape from what I heard his mother say." She swallowed audibly, trying to control her feelings. I closed my eyes.

"Then, when he... They are done, could we go see him?" I asked. She nodded.

Josh had left the room a while ago, leaving me here with my problems

I got up and looked for him. I found him in his room, looking at his phone. "Why didn't you call Owen?" I asked angrily. I would have to stop this act before I strained my vocal cords even more then they already were.

"I was busy taking care of mom. Why didn't you have your phone with you? Were you too busy making out with Owen?"

"If you knew I was with Owen, then you should have called him!" I yelled. Soon it became a screaming match. We went back and forth, trying to hurt each other, but mom came in and stopped us.

"Hey!" Her voice somehow was louder than Josh's and mine combined. "I have had it with your yelling. It was bad enough when your father died, but now you two are too old for for this. Just stop and apologize to each other!"

Josh and I mumbled apologies.

For a moment it was quiet. Then I couldn't stand it anymore. "Pinch me," I said. They both gave me puzzled glances. "Pinch me! I know I'm asleep! This is all a nightmare! Pinch me!"

Mom came over and hugged me. "No, Ivy. You're not dreaming. This is real."

I suddenly realized that I said the same thing when daddy died, I was in denial. "Oh," I whispered, "I thought I was dreaming. I wish I were asleep so I could wake up from this mess."

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