Dark Essence Poems #13

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Name: Queen Appearance 

Poem: I pray to God to die but he did not listen.

I reached to the devil for assistance but it was not given.

I put myself far away from everyone just like you told me.

I don't feel anything different but your gone so no one can hold me.

I want to ask for help but now I got no one.

My family don't even know how to find me and for what I did I can't reached no one.

I finally started to get out of this hole.

But now at my birthday I get this letter reminding that my heart you stole.

What else could you want from me if you don't want to be here.

Where were you when I needed you and now  this letter that I fear.

You said you did not want to destroy me.

But why when finally I get the courage to reach to someone else like magic you decide to uphold me.

I hear your voice and felt so scare I kick out my company knowing it was wrong.

I accepted to get in your car even if i could not handle it any more .

It was more of the same you do anything your way.

When if you really loved me you should had stood away.

You sold me and took my soul so you could have a better life.

Now I am here bleeding and in my hand a knife.

I woke up in a hospital and my mom was there.

I have been so bad to her but she did not care.

I now pray to god for you and me to never cross paths again.

I ask the devil for my life to be condemn.

So I could just live my life without falling in love without feeling pain.

I don't care about happiness I got nothing to gain.

You where my best friend, my love and my fall.

Now I hope for you it was worth it and that at least out of it you got all.

If you could know that now nothing I lack.

Everyone that you toll me to leave welcome me and accepted me back.

Finally my mind is not hunted by you.

I hope your good and I hope your happy but frankly I don't care how or with who.

Meaning: I begged, pleaded with God to take my life, but my cries fell on deaf ears.In desperation, I turned to the devil for aid, but he too refused to assist me.I isolated myself from everyone as you suggested,But now that you're gone, there's no one left to hold me.I want to reach out for help, but I have no one left to turn to.My family doesn't even know where I am or what I've done, so I'm completely alone.Somehow, I managed to claw my way out of the darkness,But on my birthday, a reminder of the heart you stole arrives in the form of a letter.What more do you want from me? If you didn't want me around anymore,Where were you when I needed you most? And now this letter appears, causing me fear.You claimed you didn't want to destroy me,But your actions speak otherwise. Just as I find the strength to move on and seek help from someone else,You suddenly appear and try to control me once again like some sort of twisted magic trick.Feeling terrified at the sound of your voice, I pushed away those closest to me,Even though I knew it was wrong. And against my better judgement, I got into your car,Knowing that it would only bring more pain. It was always your way or the highway,And if you truly loved me, you would have let me go. But instead, you sold me and took my soulSo that you could have a better life. Now here I am, bleeding with a knife in my hand.I wake up in a hospital bed with my mother by my side,Despite all the terrible things I've done to her. Now that I'm finally free from your grasp,I pray for both our sakes that we never cross paths again. In fact, I hope for my own salvationThat my life is condemned, so I never have to experience love or pain again.I no longer care about happiness or anything else, as I have nothing left to lose.You were my best friend, my love, and ultimately my downfall.But now that I am free, those you told me to abandon have welcomed me back with open arms.My mind is finally at peace without you haunting it.I hope you're doing well and are happy, but truthfully, I don't care how or with whom.

Experience: Desperate and alone, I reached out for help from anyone who would listen. But no one came to my rescue. Instead, I found myself drowning in a deep, dark hole of despair and heartache. You told me to push everyone away, so I did. And now, on my birthday, I receive a letter that reminds me of the pain you caused me. Despite all this, I still long for your love and attention. But every time I try to escape the hold you have on me, you pull me back in with your smooth words and false promises. You used me for your own gain, leaving me broken and bleeding. But even in my darkest moments, my mother stood by me, showing me true love and compassion. Now I pray for us to never cross paths again, wishing for damnation over a life filled with more pain and manipulation. You were once everything to me, but now I realize you were just another heartless person trying to control and use others for your own satisfaction. Finally free from your grasp, I can see how many people truly care for me and accept me for who I am. And as for you, I hope you find happiness in whatever twisted way you seek it. Because frankly, I don't care anymore.

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