Chapter 9: STIs and STDs

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"Im thinking of cutting my hair."

I grab a pack of vegetables throwing them into my trolley as I navigate the supermarket freezers for anything healthy to cancel out all the unhealthy junk food that I threw in.

"A little trim or a new hairstyle?" Trevor asks.

"Boy cut," Liv answers him as they continue their conversation behind me.

I hear a chuckle escape his mouth, "A boy cut. Why?"

"I want to try something new T, so I thought that maybe i should just start with a little chop."

"Can't you go for something else? Like I don't know, maybe just cutting the ends or something, some bangs maybe or whatever?" He suggests.

"What's wrong with a boy cut?" Liv asks, her voice becoming accusative.

There's a bit of silence as he clears his throat, "I don't know maybe because you'll end up looking like a boy. It's literally in the name. Boy cut."

I scoff grabbing a box of cheerios and throwing it into the trolley. I look at the contents within my cart, before deciding on three more boxes of cheerios.

"Laura!" Trevor calls out to me as I hear him approaching, "Reason with me here. Tell her, she will look like a boy," he says once he's next to me in the cereal isle.

"No, leave me out of it," I say, turning around.

"Stop manipulating Laura into taking your side, Trevor," Liv approaches us and grabs a box of cheerios from the cart, putting it back onto the shelf and replacing it with a box of oats, "also she's my best friend, which means she has to take my side no matter what," she says looking at me with a knowing look. Just because she ruined my cheerio ratio I might just go with Trevor to annoy her.

I shrug and give Trevor an apologetic pat on the arm, "You know she always wins."

"Will you please just choose another hairstyle. Please?" Trevor cries.

"Why are you so against me getting a boy cut?" She asks now standing in front of their trolley, preventing him from moving.

"Look I don't mean to crush your dream boat, honey. But Liv, you'll end up looking like a 15-year-old boy going through puberty. I wouldn't be surprised if people start stopping us to ask how my fifteen-year-old son is doing.  Or worse, get arrested by child protective services for paedophilia...and public display of incest."

Liv opens her mouth in shock, "Incest is not a crime!"

Trevor and I roll our eyes in unison, as we continue down the aisle.

I break into a vibrant laugh, as my it sips through the cracks of said conversation and the air thickening with tension, "Trevor, is right, Liv. I don't think it's your style and this is the only time I'll ever agree with him."

"I thought you weren't taking sides." Liv's states, making me roll my eyes as we continue down the aisle, "forget I ever asked you anything," she pouts just as we get to the check out counters.

"I'm going to wait in the car," Trevor kisses Liv on the cheek and walks out.

Well there goes the hands that were going to carry my bags.

"Hey," I say lowering my voice, "I have something to tell you, well ask you actually."

"Is it because you think you're pregnant?"

"Wh-No. Why would you even think that?

"You said you got extremely nauseas when we passed the deli earlier on."

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