Chapter 11: Fertile people

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I walk into the bathroom and doing the same thing that I did with Anna, I lock all the toilet stalls and wait.
After about five minutes Kevin walks in and locks the door from the inside.

He turns around and looks at me with such intensity for a second I fear for my life. We stand in silence for a while staring at each other, before he sighs an gives in, placing his hands into his pocket. I walk up to him and stand on my toes, pressing my lips against his. He kisses me back but immediately grabs my hands and pulls away.

He inhales, his chest puffing out, "Hmm," he clears his throat, whatever he has to say clearly struggling to come out, "we said we wouldn't do that again?"

I step away from him and wipe my mouth, nodding in agreement. If only this boy knew.

"Especially since," he points at my stomach, "you and Steven are expecting."

Faster than the sperm that made you...


"Right?" he asks uncertainty written all over his face.

I turn around and face the mirror "I never said it was his," I say turning the faucet to wash my hands.

"Well, we used a condom," he says coming to stand right behind me, "we did, didn't we?"

He stares at me, all the emotion draining out of his face as he waits for my confirmation. The male species...

"Either answers will confirm anything for you, Kevin."

Another few seconds of silence engulf as, this time just a tab bit more intimidating. Suddenly there's a knock on the door and we both look at each other and choose to ignore whoever is at the other side of that door. At the end of the day, pregnant or not, yours or Steven's, I will have to let you believe it's yours. Otherwise, the plan doesn't go as planned.

"How much?" he suddenly asks once the knocking has stopped.

Oh yes, there it is. Every careless, rich person's solution. Money.

"A raise maybe?" he continues.

"I think you've had a bit too much wine to drink Kevin."

"I'm used to this. Girls want me, my money, my father's money," he says boastfully, "I wouldn't blame you if you pocked a hole in the condom. You didn't did you? Why am I even asking, it's not like you'd admit to it."

"Okay, Kevin I'm going to ignore that you've just insinuated that I'm a whore. So I'm just going to go back to my table. Steven is probably worried now," but before i can walk he grabs onto my arm and stands in front of me.

"Right Steven. Does he know you're pregnant? Or claim to be,"

My heart skips and I fidget on my feet a bit as different scenarios race through my mind.  He possibly could not have figured it out. I'm not even showing yet. Or maybe someone overheard me talking with Steven. Or maybe we have a mole.

"Which one is it? Huh," I ask my eyebrows raised, "did I poke a hole in your condom or am I faking a pregnancy?" I scoff grabbing the nearby paper towels, Kevin's hand still around my arm, "We fucked, Kevin, okay? We fucked and when two fertile people fuck like we did they get pregnant. Now whether or not that's okay with you I could care less. Whether or not it's your baby I don't give a fuck either. I don't want you or anything from you, so let go of my fucking arm and get out of my way."

He releases my arm and stands aside, his adam apple bobbing up and down.

When I arrive at the table I grab my coat and purse and wink as Steven who immediately stands up and follows me out of the restaurant.

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