Chapter 24 - Ready to Jet

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Chapter 24 – Ready to Jet

Thursday, July 5, 2046
1:13 PM
Underground Prison Camp

So, now I hope Jake knew what he was doing. I honestly couldn't wait till we were rescued from this shit pit. Yeah, shit pit was absolutely right! But now we were sure as hell gonna escape this place. Initially we were supposed to escape a few Fridays ago, but we instead used the next days after to plan the escape. Jake contacted the police before and related the plan, but now was the time to act. With the computer systems hacked, S.A.L.M.A's cooperation along with other AI apps and with all prisoners contributing, we were gonna escape the place in a few hours. It was a longshot, but it was our only hope.

"Okay everyone, this is it." Jake said. "We are busting out of this place 5 PM sharp. Whenever I give the signal, all y'all must do your assigned tasks."

"Agreed!" said Eliza. "We'll be in sync."

"Wilco!" said Nancy. "You may not be our commanding officer, but you've already helped us enough through thick and thin."

"Wow, Nancy! I'm glad you're in the game!" I agreed. "We're all in this together!"

"Together!" said all the other prisoners. "We'll be ready when you need us!"

"Good work, team! I promise you; we'll all make it out safe!" said Jake. "Sorry it took so long, but I needed to get this plan in sync."

"You did what you had to!" said Carlos. "Just as long as I can see my girlfriend again! I even texted her, and she's waiting till I get out of here."

"Don't worry, Carlos! Penelope is an amazing girl!" I assured him. "She'll be happy."

"Thanks!" said Carlos.

"Alright, everyone. Wait patiently till 5." Jake said. "After this, you'll not miss next year's 4th of July or years after that! S.A.L.M.A, stay in sync. Everyone, keep your head on a swivel!"

"Jake, you're a genius!" I said.

"Actually, your Dad is a genius!" replied Jake. "I'm second best to him."

So, a few hours later, Jake then started another hack to compromise the security systems, and just above the ground we heard screeching of tires and first time we heard so in weeks. We could hear as they were placing something above the cave, and it sounded like they were placing a bomb to demolish the ground.

"Everyone get against the wall. Move all your stuff away!" said Jake. "They're gonna blow this place up."

"What's going on down there?" said another voice nearby, a robotic one.

"Uh, Jake? You may wanna speed this up!" I said.

"Now!" said Jake.

The ground then fell as the bombs on top detonated. The explosion caused the roof to cave in and fall down. The prison was disassembled, and police were dropping down with ropes to help us. That's when the robots came back to apprehend us, but this time we were prepared to fight and S.A.L.M.A had our backs. Everyone rushed to escape the prison. I finally got in touch with Reagan, who was now guiding us.

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