Chapter 27 - Pitstop at a Phone Booth

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Chapter 27 – Pitstop at a Phone Booth

Thursday, July 5, 2046
7:21 PM
Downtown, Houston

Okay, so that area we were at, turns out was somewhere near Sugar Land, TX. It's funny, of all the crap that was underground, we'd all least expect that to be here. But then, I looked behind us, and wow there were drones behind us scouring for us.

"Uh, Jake? I think we may have company and soon!" I said.

"No worries." Jake said. "C.O.R.A, you may want to keep us hidden."

"On it!" said C.O.R.A, "As long as me and Z.E.R.O are in service, y'all are safe!"

"Thanks, guys!" said Jake.

"Now, I'm thinking." Reagan began. "If we truly needed to trust machines for everything, since when the first batch of inventions and technology came about ten thousand years ago, then why the fuck didn't we create one to prevent all hackers from compromising us?"

"Don't you think we'd be asking this to Liam Mitchell Jr?" answered me to my brother. "He is after all the richest man, in the world."

"We don't know for sure, if he's truly responsible for this," said Jake. "however, then again I'm not gonna say he's innocent just yet."

"Hell, if he's so rich and smart, why do we need to solve this problem? This should've been his problem, not ours!" exclaimed Reagan.

"Shit! Just be glad he hasn't replaced all human labor with robots, yet. We still have great amounts of high skilled workers, who're gonna have their jobs for at least another seventy years, if not more!" said I, to the worrywart known as my twin brother.

Anyways, what mattered the most was we patched up, and it was good to have him back. We then pulled over into an area dense with trees. I got out, so did Reagan and Jake, and first thing that intrigued Reagan, was a very old telephone booth.

"Jesus, guys!" said Reagan. "I thought people stopped using this about twenty-five years ago."

"Wanna go make a call?" said my sarcastic self. "At least check to see, if it's still operational?"

"Why not?" said Reagan, then he walked to the phone booth and picked up the receiver. "Hmm, just as I thought. No dial tone. Nothing!"

"We're just hiding out here, to evade the drones." Jake said. "We've got no time to clown around."

"Noted." Reagan said.

"Kimberly, contact your parents immediately!" instructed Jake. "I'll block off the drones from scouring out any open smartphones."

"Alrighty, then!" I then began to text our parents.

"Reagan, I'm sending the car back to my garage. Get us your car to come here, and we'll get out from here."

"Yessir!" said Reagan, as he took out his iPhone™. "Signaling it now."

"In the meantime, S.A.L.M.A, hold off the drones with C.O.R.A and Z.E.R.O!" instructed Jake to our AI companions.

We were supposed to meet Ajay Malhotra on Mars, he'd elaborate more. Before that I needed to see my parents again. We'd be back out there to investigate this company more, but for now, we just needed to lay low for a while.

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