Chapter 11

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"Do you love Metin, Sanem?" Can asked. He looked like he was ready to hear the worst.

She couldn't meet his eyes. "I mean, in a way, I do..."

"Am I too late?"

"I don't know, Can," she said.

"Are you going to tell Metin about us?" he challenged.

"Are you?" she shot back.

He held her face in his hands and looked her in the eyes. "I'd never let go of your hand again," he said. "I promise you, Sanem. I lost you once, and I'm not going to let it happen again. You will choose me."


"Yes, Baba, I promise I will stay home for dinner tomorrow night," Sanem said to her father on the phone as she rushed from the taxi to the entrance of the restaurant. She was meeting Metin for dinner, and she was already 10 minutes late. "I know, I know. I've been home for four days and haven't been home for dinner once. I know. I'm a terrible daughter." She rolled her eyes as she walked toward the door and waited for a group to exit before she entered. She loved her father with all her being, but after being on her own in London for so long, it was hard to get used to being accountable to him again. She'd have to look into getting her own place as soon as possible to save her sanity and their relationship. "Okay, yes. Yes. I'm sure I will be there...I have to go now! Love you! Kisses!"

Sanem ended the call and approached the hostess. She blew out a big breath and tried to mentally prepare herself for this dinner with Metin. She hadn't spent any time alone with him since her reunion with Can, and she didn't really know how she was going to handle things yet. "Good evening," she said. "I'm meeting someone; I don't know if he's here yet. The reservation will be under Metin?"

The hostess looked up the reservation and smiled when she found it. "Ah, yes. I see it. Metin, party of three. One of your party has already been seated. Follow me, and I'll take you to the table."

Three? Sanem was confused; she thought she was having dinner alone with Metin. Could the hostess have confused the reservation? Or maybe there was another Metin having dinner here?

As they approached the table, she immediately knew who the third member of their party was. She would recognize him anywhere--granted, he was massive and had a distinctive way of dressing and wearing his hair; he wasn't easy to miss--but it wasn't his looks that told her he was here; her heart recognized him.

Last night at Metin's party, he'd vowed to win her back. She'd left the bathroom shaking. She found Metin and told him she wasn't feeling well and went home to lay her head in Mihriban's lap and cry. No matter how Mihriban asked, Sanem refused to tell her what had happened. She wasn't ready to vocalize it yet. She just needed Mihriban to comfort her without question, and she did; she stroked her hair and spoke soothing words until she fell asleep.

She wasn't planning on seeing him again so soon. She'd wanted to take some time and create some distance so she could think, yet here they were, brought together again. The problem was that she knew she needed to think rationally, but she couldn't resist him. Deep down she knew she didn't want  to resist him.

"Here you are," the hostess said, smiling at Sanem. Can looked up and grinned at Sanem. "I will make sure to escort Metin Bey to the table as soon as he arrives."

"Thank you," Sanem said quietly, and the hostess walked away.

Can stood up to pull out a chair for her, and she sat. Can took his seat and he was still smiling. He couldn't sit still; he bounced on the balls of his feet under the table, his excitement at seeing her was palpable. "Welcome, Sanem," he said in a low voice that did things to her insides.

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