[5- Alice]

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          After Cuddles sent her off, Alice decided to wander the morning off through the busy streets of Manhattan. Usually, she would run off to her father, proclaiming the news of her new found job. Strangely enough, she didn’t feel like doing so yet. It wasn’t just happiness she felt when she got out of the diner. It was the sense of pride that she had her comeuppance against that Sebastian. That sour, loud mouthed, perverted Sebastian.

            It was bad enough that he wasn’t watching where he was going when they first encountered each other that Monday morning, reading a letter as he was walking down a crowded pavement. That was insensible of him. At the bar, he opens up a conversation to her and Jessica, asking if they would rather die burning or drowning. Who does that? She tried to give him a second chance to reclaim himself as the charming man he professes himself to be, only he keeps using green jokes and sleazy remarks as his conversation tongue. Alice just had no patience for men who think too much of themselves just because they’re good looking. Bathroom jokes are fine here and there but only in appropriate times. Asking if she and Jessica were lesbians upon first meeting was not at all appropriate, as if the dying survey question wasn’t bad enough. But what set her off the top was what he did at the bar. Freely, Sebastian just went on and on how he liked Jessica better between them and that Alice was nothing but a beast with a sassy mouth.

           Everyone was inclined to an opinion, and Alice was mutual with the feeling of dislike with Sebastian. But, like scratching aggressively on a fresh wound, he managed to make things worse by spilling her food and his drink all over her… and joking about it still. Granted, he tried to apologize and help her by offering his card and jacket to ease the mes, but can anyone blame her if she questioned his sincerity? It was the same man who insulted her with not only his words, but also with actions. She’d rather take a job from his diner that come off defeated. It was only a setback that now, they would have to work side by side. She had to take what she can get.

In all honesty, Alice found Lance to be more agreeable than his friend. But it seemed like Jessica had him wrapped up in her finger. Actually, they both seemed to be wrapped around her finger, not that Alice had much care for Sebastian’s pursues. It was the same reason why Alice was hesitant to visit the new bar with her. Men always liked Jessica more and Alice was just the best friend they would settle for if Jessica wasn’t interested—and she usually isn’t.

Jessica was her best friend, and Alice would never say anything against her. But since the day they met in college, Alice was the jealous one. Everyone kept saying that the two were equally beautiful, Jessica with her petite body and Alice with her more mature one. Alice was the one who had that knack for wearing dresses, skirts, and heels, and revealing skin wasn’t much of a big deal to her. But every boy-- despite what testosterones would usually go for-- still preferred Jessica’s ultimate feminine aura. They found her sexy—despite her lack of certain curves-- with her sweaters, jeans and high top Converse, the pixie cut: they found refreshing against the typical long haired girls. Her shy and small personality came off as adorable. Add along her baking skills, she was catnip for boys. The good girl vibe was no easy contender.

Although, pathetic as it may sound, Alice was used to the men preferring her best friend. Heaven knows Jessica was a better person than Alice was. People say that one shouldn’t stick around people who make them feel bad about themselves. Alice may feel that way with Jessica, but Alice still loved her to bits. She was a real best friend. She was the kind of friend who would stay up all night just to make sure you were okay. She was the kind of friend who would bake you cookies just because she wanted to. She was the kind of friend who will buy you a dress from Forever 21 because she knew you would love it. And even if Alice felt like nothing sitting beside Jessica in a room full of boys, Jessica still made Alice feel like she’s the best person in the whenever she can. The pixie haired girl was as sweet as her pastries were… maybe even sweeter.

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