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| 𝕘𝕠𝕠𝕕 𝕘𝕚𝕣𝕝𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕓𝕒𝕣𝕤 |
It had taken him a long time to realize that bars were his place of comfort. It wasn't for any real reason. It wasn't because he liked getting drunk, not because he liked the stares he got. He had to guess it was all of the bar fights that he got to see. They were, much like Kaachan, entertaining. Blubbering idiots who on occasion decided to pick a fight with Midoriya. They'd quickly know that despite his freckled face and soft looking eyes, he wasn't one you wanted to mess with. These days he had been so busy, and he hadn't been able to see her in quite a while.
Her, his little angel. She didn't drink, he knew that, but she could be seen at the bar quite frequently. It was... interesting to Midoriya. He had sent Toga to talk to her, which wasn't much of a problem considering that Toga thought the girl was cute. The blonde told him after their conversation that (Name), as was her name, was there to make sure that her friend didn't get into any unnecessary drama. Soon enough he wanted to know more about her, and then that turned into a... fixation of sorts. He's never talked to her directly, but he had all of the information he needed to say that he knew her. Everything there was to know, he knew.

"If you like her so much, go talk to her." Dabi muttered under his breath, knocking some hard whiskey down his throat. He too knew about the girl that his boss was so obsessed with, but he didn't understand it at all. Midoriya never seemed to be into women, in fact Dabi had thought for the longest time that his boss was gay. What was so special about this girl? She seemed so bland, from what Dabi gathered she was a quirkless college student that had no obvious interest in any type of relationship. Whether it be friends with benefits or a passionate loving relationship. She was almost too focused on becoming a writer, it seemed.
"She'll know that I'm bad news immediately. She's very smart, you know." Midoriya says, fingers wrapped around a glass but he hadn't begun to drink yet. Getting drunk would mean losing his focus, and that meant he couldn't enjoy her presence as well as he could sober. He had found some peace in watching her so much, it relaxed him in a way. Due to Shigaraki working with Overhaul the last few months, Midoriya has been put in charge of the League. He was stressed out all of the time, and relief didn't come easily. Despite being a villain, Deku wasn't one to do one night stands, they revolted him actually. In all, Midoriya wasn't a bad guy, he just worked for questionable people and did questionable things.

Dabi rolls his blue eyes, his stare turning to the girl as she sits in a booth next to someone. A girl with short pink hair was hanging off of her shoulder, looking completely wasted. Dabi realizes that she must be the friend that Toga was talking about. A certified alcoholic, he thinks. Dabi wishes that the freckled criminal would just kidnap her already. His obvious lovesick position was starting to annoy the dark haired man. He had to remind himself constantly that Midoriya wasn't a little fifteen year old anymore. He was nearly twenty-two, and probably still a virgin. He was just dealing with attraction, that's all. And even Dabi could admit that she was cute. She always seemed to be wearing comfortable looking sweaters with some kind of skirt. She had leggings underneath, of course, but that didn't mean she was any less attractive. His tastes went more towards the grunge women, but Dabi could admit when a girl had good looks.

"You probably wouldn't have a chance anyways." Toga suddenly says, a bit tipsy herself. It was a rather rude thing to say, but Dabi chokes on his drink nonetheless.
"She's going to college and she seems like the type to date the goodies!" Toga almost sounds like she's whining, almost as if she knows from experience from asking. The blonde girl rolls her wrist before setting her pocket knife on the bar counter. While the bartender doesn't seem to care, a woman not far away from where they were sitting flinches and nearly screams.
"He could always take her by force, you know... wait. Where are you going?" Dabi looks shocked as Midoriya slips off of his stool, fixing his tie slightly. He isn't drunk, but he's been filled with an odd feeling. Midoriya Izuku is no stranger to envy or confidence, but it seemed to be a mix of the two. Kurogiri would no doubt scold him if he was there, but the thought only faintly crossed Midoriya's mind as he is suddenly standing next to the booth that (Name) and her friend were located. For the first few moments the girl didn't seem to realize that he was there, much too busy trying to get her friend to put down a drink of some kind. She suddenly notices his presence, and he feels a surge of sudden happiness run through him. She noticed him, noticed that there was a man looking for her attention.

Midoriya watches with focused eyes as she subconsciously pulls the sleeves of her white sweater down her arms, his eyes catching a glimpse of marred skin. She may have thought it was an imperfection, though the thought was silly to Midoriya. He had plenty of scars himself. Maybe he wa strong about her being innocent, maybe she was like him. Violent with an intention to kill. She says something to him, something eh doesn't quite catch, and he knows that the doubt he'd had was nothing to worry about. He comes to the realization that she is as innocent as he thought, the marred skin floating from his mind as he feels the silliness of his situation wash over him.

Giving her a charming smile, Midoriya puts on his best face and decides that he's going to have this girl for himself.


Something must have been wrong with him, right? Otherwise, why was she so nice? Kindness like that was unusual, at least in this part of town. Kindness was just something that was rare, especially if it was genuine. Having a civilized conversation with her, Midoriya could tell that it wasn't some kind of act. She was so innocent minded, too. Not picking up on the several dirty jokes that Hana, her drunk friend, kept cracking while Midoriya and (Name) talked. While being a bit wary, she wasn't rude. She invited Midoriya to sit with them, offering to buy him a drink. It had become clear throughout their conversation that she was an enabler. Why else would she just follow her friend around and watch her drink herself to death? She was too loving to say something negative to her and Midoriya was living for it. It would be so easy to guilt trip her, and that was going to be extremely useful in the future.

Hana was getting sleepy, and Midoriya curses realizing that they might be leaving soon.

"I'm sorry, Midoriya, but me and my friend have to get going. I'm pretty sure that I have a test tomorrow and so does she." (Name) says, sliding out of her seat before helping Hana up, making the drunk girl lean on her heavily. The green haired man frowns just a bit, thinking about what a Dabi had said earlier. What if he just snatched her up right here and now? It would be irresistibly easy, and it's not like anyone would have the courage to try and help her unless that pink girl was undeniably stupid in the head. However... Midoriya didn't want her to fear him. During their small time together, Midoriya could tell that she was starting to trust him. She didn't look like he intimidated her and that made him impossibly happy.


"Ah... I understand. You know, you're a very sweet person for taking care of her like this. I can tell you're a good friend."


Making his way back to the hideout with Dabi and Toga in tow, Midoriya has a pleasant grin on his pale freckled face. She was just as nice as he thought, though he should have known that from what Toga had told him on multiple occasions. He wondered... what would (Name) think if she knew that they shared a mutual? It'd surely shock her, right?

"He's whipped..." Dabi groans under his breath, laughing as Toga hits his shoulder.

{I write too much V! Deku but I can't stop.}

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