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| 𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕤 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕤𝕨𝕖𝕖𝕥 |

(Name) found herself thinking about the tall man who she had met at Hana's favorite bar. He didn't seem like a bad guy, but she had seen his other comrade, not Himiko, but the black-haired man with all of the burn scars. He looked familiar, though she wasn't sure why. Her brother had also advised her to stay away from people like them, but she knew not to judge by appearances alone. Simply, she wanted to get to know Midoriya Izuku a bit better before she decided whether or not she could trust him or not.

"Deku? Oh, he's a super nice guy!" Himiko exclaimed, smiling widely as she pokes at her ice-cream. She had gotten rather close with the shy girl, and despite liking her as well, Himiko wondered if she could potentially play matchmaker for both Izuku and (Name). It was a fun little idea, or at least she thought so. Dabi was fully against it, of course. He said that Himiko was just dooming the poor girl, as well as putting the League in danger. (Name) was Overhaul's younger sister, after all. Still, it would be so very fun if they could get together. That would mean that Himiko would get more time to spend with her new friend!

(Name) tilted her head, smiling softly as she watched the cat-like blonde in front of her smile and gush about the green-haired man. She of course knew that they knew each other, from what she had gathered they worked together. They seemed like they were very good friends, so she guessed that Himiko was a good source of information.

"He talks about you all of the time, too," Himiko starts, her cat-like irises going wide as she grows excited. They were both girls, right? Spilling the tea was so fun! "Deku really likes you, I know he's crushing on you hard! I mean... who wouldn't? You're so cute!" She gushed, reaching over the cafes table to pinch (Name)'s cheeks. The (H/c)-haired girl blushes hotly, squirming in her friends grasp. Himiko could be so... eccentric sometimes.

"I seriously doubt that, I mean... we just met, right?"

Himiko pauses, almost letting out Izuku's little secret. She wanted to tell (Name) that Izuku had been watching her for much longer than she thought, but that'd make things messy, wouldn't it? Izuku wouldn't do anything to her for saying something, but Himiko wanted to see (Name)'s reaction when she found out for herself. It would be interesting, right? Besides, (Name) wasn't being hurt by the fact that she didn't know. It was probably better that she wasn't aware of Izuku's stalking tendencies, that'd make it easier for them to get together, Himiko was sure of that.

Smiling slyly, Himiko let go of (Name)'s cheeks, a pink color dusting her own cheeks as she thought of the excitement that was to come. The drama. Just thinking about it gave the blonde girl shivers.

'This is going to be so much fun~'


Izuku huffed out, looking at his phone with narrowed irises. He had given (Name) his phone number, but she had yet to call or text him. It was to be expected, he thought. His Angel was such a shy little thing, not to mention responsible. She had her college classes to worry about, wasn't that right? No, he forgave her for not contacting him. She was doing what was important for her future. A future they would share, Izuku reminded himself. Besides. He'd get his information for the day for Himiko once she arrived back. The blonde villain had gotten very close with (Name), and Izuku didn't exactly mind.

He knew about Himiko's little crush, but that didn't mean much to him. She was his best friend, has been for years ever since he'd joined the League. Izuku also knew that she was planning on playing matchmaker for the two of them, he appreciated the effort, but he just hoped that she didn't expect him to share. Once Izuku got his hands on his sweet girl, she was his.

End of story.

Or so he thought. Dabi had been very annoying lately.

He was treading on thin ice, though, and he knew he was. Izuku, no matter how you sliced it, was his boss. With one word Izuku could have Dabi killed, not that he would without reason, but his obsession with this girl was making him a little careless. Even Shigaraki had seemed to notice. Not that he was going to say anything, but he noticed nonetheless. That's just his nature. Shigaraki absolutely refuses to pry into Izuku's personal life. It wasn't worth the risk, not to him, at least.

Dabi thought it was wrong.

He didn't think that or was right for both Himiko and Izuku to corner this girl, especially when she was the younger sister of Overhaul, their new business partner. She was a genuinely nice girl, and Dabi couldn't help but feel bad for her. She was going to be stuck with Midoriya Izuku for the rest of her life if someone didn't put a stop to the green-haired mans obsession with her. (Name), despite being the younger sister of a Yakuza boss, was inherently innocent. She had a completely clean background, Dabi had checked himself. She was just getting herself dragged into a terrible situation without realizing it and that made Dabi pity her.

Maybe he was just getting like an older brother again, it happened from time-to-time. Same with Himiko when she was younger. That was the reason he'd never be able to go out with the blonde villain, she was too much like a little sister to him. This girl, Chisaki (Name), was giving him serious conflicting emotions. He wanted to help her, if it was possible, but Izuku was getting in too deep and pretty soon that wasn't going to be an option.

She had no future, Dabi realized.

Her future was already determined, and it was going to be spent with Midoriya Izuku whether she liked it or not.

{so, an update. I wasn't expecting this book to get any attention, so for those of you actually reading it, thank you! Also, Dabi is a big brother figure for the reader in this book, I thought it'd be super cute so that's what I'm doing here. Anyway, any feedback on the chapter would be appreciated!}

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2020 ⏰

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