Chapterooni 2

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Reed sat down on the pitch black floor, the 3 dummies stared at her, screeching. "Shush! Do you know how we get out of this place?" Reed said while quivering on the floor because she's a cringe nae nae grill. "Are you thicc?? If we knew how to get out we wouldn't be here right now, dumbass!" Jimmy screamed at the top of his lungs, which surprisingly, was much quieter than his screeching. "Well, does your dad run this place?" Reed asked again, through tears. "No, that duty belongs to..." Jimmy looked around nervously. He whispered "Peppa... Peppa Pig..." Peppa appeared out of fucking no where. "OINK, you called?" She asked in her godly voice. "Peppa, we are so sorry for summoning you, forgive us please. "I love death." Shadow said. Peppa said nothing and vanished through the floor, taking Shadow with her. "Well, fuck." Miku said. "What do we do?" Reed asked, as if Jimmy knew what he was doing. "We will get Shadow back from the clutches of our evil captor, and we will find our way out, who's with me????" Reed stood up. "I'm in." Some random dude named Jerry came up and said "I'm in too." Hatsune stood up slowly. "We're all going to die anyways but... I guess I'm in." They all dramatically put their hands in the middle of their circle, and shouted "go wild cats!"

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