Chapter Thirty-Four - "Not with that attitude."

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Liam's POV

I sprung to my feet. "Wait... what?"

"I remember! Everything!" He repeated. 

I pulled him into a tight hug and laughed lowly. "That's amazing! We have to-" I paused. I grabbed his shoulders loosely. "Listen, Niall, don't tell anyone about the amnesia. Since you've remembered, no one needs to know. Okay? Only our principal knows, and I'm sure she'll mind her own business and keep her mouth shut. Okay?"

He nodded. "Okay. I promise." 


I stopped before we entered the schoolyard, behind a large tree. "Niall, we have to split up. You can't ask me for directions or anything if you don't know your way around the school. People will think it's odd if you don't insult me whenever you see me, so be sure to do so."

"I don't want to insult you."

"You have no choice. We're secret friends, remember? No one can know."

"Isn't it time to tell them?"

I froze. "Well..." I sighed. "Maybe it is. But not yet. Not today." 

"Okay." He nodded with bright eyes. "I'll try my best to insult you." He laughed, adding, "And I'm sorry if I accidentally run up to you and hug you in the hallways."

I blushed. "Well, try your best. We can tell them tomorrow..." 

We went our seperate ways and I caught up with Harry in the hallway soon after Niall and I split. I also saw that Niall found his way to Zayn. 

Louis wasn't to be seen; but he got sick fairly often, so it wouldn't surprise me if he stayed home. 

Niall and Zayn were staring at Harry and I in the opposite end of the hallway. I snorted, keeping up a good act. I turned to Harry. "God, I know we're perfect and stuff, but do they have to stare?"

Harry laughed and nodded in agreement. "I know. Such stalkers."

We were turning our ways, as the bell rang, to whatever class we were going to. Zayn had turned to Niall and said something after I spoke to Harry, but I couldn't read their lips. 


We both had made our way, after school, back to the hotel. We'd met up a little while after school ended. Again, we hadn't done anything productive on our project. We'd be getting a low mark for sure.

Niall and I raced to the hotel. We ran inside the hotel too, even though several people told us to watch where we were going. Someone had tripped me in attempt to make us stop; Niall kept on running and wouldn't stop bragging about his win. 

As I finally got to the door, he slammed it shut and I heard it click. He'd locked me out.

 "Niall, let me in." I said in a low voice. He replied, "No."

We'd went on like this for several minutes, his reply always being no, until my voice raised completely.

"Niall! Open this door, NOW!" 

He  scoffed. "Not with that attitude." 

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