Ch.32 Let's get married

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"Let's get married!" I mentally rolled my eyes upon hearing what Henry said.

"We will come to that" I simply said.

We're in dad's office right now. I just finished having a meeting with the student council members.

"But I want it to happen as soon as possible!" he insisted like a child. Sometimes I regret my decision of accepting his proposal.

"Why? we have all the time that we want" I asked with an arched brow.

"Because I want to be with you, I want to be your husband already" he explained ecstatically.


"Yes what? Yes you don't like it or yes because you like it?" He asked frowning.

"Yes, the first one" I said truthfully.

He pouted. I've been honest with him since day one so I don't feel guilty right now.

"That's alright. I won't stop my efforts on making you fall in love with me even if we're already married"

"Let's see" was all I said.

He sighed before he standing up. He then kneeled in front of me before reaching for my hand.

"Allison, I'm the only one that you have now" he reminded me, but in a sweet way.

I stayed silent and gazed at him intently. He's handsome and a gentleman, he's rich and the most important thing is that he loves me. He's right, he's all I have right now and I can't afford to lose him too. 

I don't know if the time will come that I will be able to forget Salt and love him. I removed my hand from his grasp and sighed afterwards.

"Okay" I finally said.

"Okay what?" he asked frowning. Yeah he's handsome, but he's a bit slow sometimes.

"Okay, I'll marry you as soon as possible"

He immediately pulled me into a hug and kissed me multiple times on my face in so much happiness. We're in that scene when dad finally arrived.

"What's happening here?" He inquired while looking at me but I ignored him so he asked Henry instead.

"Allison and I will be married in two weeks time!" Henry excitedly inform him. 

The happiness in his face is so visible, it's like he won in the lottery. He returned to his serious face after and coughed.

"That's too soon but it's okay with me. You'll save my daughter from her illness, as well as my pride and dignity"

Illness? You looked more ill dad compared to me. I retorted mentally.

"I love her the way she is" Henry quipped which touched me a little bit.

Way to go Henry, defend me that's good.

"That's what I like about you Henry, you're a gentleman. We should announce the wedding to the students" he suggested as he walks towards his chair.

"Why do you have to announce everything? It's not like we're celebrity or something. It's my wedding so stop planning everything, I want to plan my own wedding" I said irritably before walking out of his office. 

Aside from the fear of being alone, I'm marrying Henry because I know that dad wants it, but that doesn't mean that I will just let him manipulate my own wedding. I will not allow him interfere anymore

But I'm not a V A M P I R E (GxG, Lesbian) °editing°Where stories live. Discover now