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       AND SHE said yes

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       AND SHE said yes. After the long wait, Seulgi is now officially in a relationship. Having her first boyfriend made her feel anxiety and doubts of herself, will I be a perfect girlfriend? Or will I surpass his expectations? But other than that, Seulgi is happy with what she has now. 

Going home from her date, Seulgi barged in Yerim's room. She saw the sleeping figure of her best friend and there she shook her enough to wake her up.

"Yerim!" Seulgi kept on rocking her best friend to wake her up so she can share her exciting news.

"What? What?" Yerim irritatingly said. Who wouldn't be annoyed when someone is ruining the sleep you only have after finishing one chapter of your thesis? 

"Get up. I have something to tell you!" Knowing Seulgi wouldn't stop ruining her sleep, she stood up, eyes still closed and half asleep. "So you see I met this guy I'm telling you about and... I SAID YES! I already have a boyfriend!" Seulgi excitingly said. 

Seeing Seulgi all happy and excited makes Yerim happy. Showing her eye smile and with the happiness evident in her voice, Yerim smiled. "I'm so proud of you. Congrats! You won't be sulking yourself in the middle of studying and saying 'when will I get a boyfriend?'." 

Seulgi pouted but still smiled. It's not that she is really obsessed with getting a boyfriend. She just wants to experience having one since all time, she dedicated her life to studies. 

"So he's coming over tomorrow. Better be nice to him, okay? I'll introduce him to you first so be honored." Seulgi said and hugged her best friend. "Go back to sleep. I'll cook your favorite food so you can eat when you wake up." And Seulgi exited the room while hopping around. 

"It's about time." Yerim smiled on her thoughts and drifted back to sleep. 

Tomorrow came, Yerim got out of her room and the first thing she heard in the morning is someone humming a song. She peeked at the kitchen only to see Seulgi dancing while cooking. Seulgi turned around when she felt someone walking around the apartment. 

"Good morning babe." Yerim walked inside the dining room and having her eyes sparkle with the sight. Waffles with whipped cream and sliced strawberries, bacon cooked with the way she likes, and latte. "Since we don't have classes today, let's have a good food for breakfast." Seulgi said.

"If I knew having a boyfriend will change you like this, I should've forced you to go to hundreds of blind dates back in first year." Yerim said shoving a slice of waffle in her mouth. 

"Funny." Seulgi said sarcastically. "Anyways, my boyfriend is coming over for lunch. I bought enough food for the three of us. You behave." Seulgi warned and Yerim raised both of her hands as a sign of surrender. 

After having breakfast, both of them prepared. Yerim subbed with Seulgi on cooking so she can prepare, try on a casual outfit so she can face her boyfriend decently. While cooking, Yerim suddenly thought, "This guy has been courting my best friend for months now and I don't know his name?" 

After cooking and presenting it neatly on the table, she prepared. She fill in the bath tub. While waiting, she tied her hair up in a bun, not wanting to get her hair soaked wet since she showered it already before taking breakfast. 

In the midst of her relaxation, she heard the doorbell. "Seulgi's boyfriend is here, I guess." Yerim finished her bathe. 

She looked for a good outfit. All her clothes and pairs seems to be more casual for the event so she just wore a hoodie. Midst of her gussying up, the door opened revealing Seulgi with a smile. 

"You know, he's here already. So get ready faster." Seulgi said and closed the door. 

While brushing her hair and putting light make up, she thought of what kind of person did Seulgi choose. If ever he is not trustworthy, she'll ready her fist and with no doubt will hurt that person.

She looked at the mirror and smiled, she already looks decent. Shaking off the dust on her hoodie, she exited. "Seul I'm he—" she stopped on her speech when she saw a man she least wanted to see. 

The guy noticed her presence and had his eyes wide, but then shifted to normal gaze. He noticed the change of the girl's eyes, and the past flashed back through his mind.

Seulgi came to the living room. "You're here." Seulgi went beside her boyfriend. 

"Yerim, meet Taeyong, my boyfriend.

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